Become a new person in the office, do not make you feel small. Instead, you must open yourself to learn as much from a more senior colleague. Open yourself wide to all kinds of people. Do not just stick to your field only. You may talk to one person about salary information, another person for advice on interpersonal, and still others for their feedback about the job.Difficult to start? First, practice the subtle approach, For example, by inviting a senior colleague for a chat after working hours or in between breaks. When you approach someone who is busy trying, do not insist. Do not be too quick to feel offended if he does not respond to you after two or three tries. If indeed he was too difficult to work, please try to find someone else that same ability.When you've managed to make appointments, take advantage of their best. Approach him with questions on target, such as, "I'm really impressed with how you handle your clients call yesterday. Can I see you this week to give some feedback about it?"Come to the preparation. When meeting a mentor, have a list of questions and objectives. Do not just throw your questions and complete. Make the meeting into a flowing dialogue. In order not to seem like a formal lecture, keep the subject centered not only on you. Ask about his experiences in the field why he was interested in the industry, and what their contribution to changes in the industry.
Starting on the move after a day relaxing weekend getaway at times heavy, do not let the Monday blues syndrome that go on, because it can interfere with work performance and deflate your spirits. In order to remain cheerful in the day Monday the heavy, try the following steps:1. Wear the best clothesBest suit to the office can help pump the mood so you feel more cheerful and confident. You will be shocked at how big the effect clothing for your feelings about yourself.2. Up earlyMany bad things happen when you woke up late, Tension level increases, no time for breakfast in their haste to leave, so do not feel comfortable with sharp eyes work friends. Therefore, make sure you get up early.3. Pamper yourselfIf you wake up early enough, you have plenty of time to pamper yourself with a sit back while enjoying a delicious breakfast. You can prepare the fried rice with a cup of coffee, tea, milk or simply piece of buttered bread with apply accompanied by a glass of cereal.4. Anticipate busyMost people are impatient waiting for the weekends so that blur darted straight hours in the day that ended Friday. In fact, it's better to sacrifice a little time to do more work on that day. Thus, your work on Monday will be much lighter.5. Listen to musicPlay one or a few songs to help deal with a bad day. Choose a song that has the energetic beats to create a more cheerful atmosphere.6. Snacked on chocolateThe most delicious snacks are eaten as having a bad mood is chocolate. Chocolate gives the signal to the brain to release endorphin hormones which have a calming effect, to improve mood as well as relieve stress.
The woman, now increasingly have the opportunity to align with the man in the world of work. Currently, any man who achieved, women can also be reached, although the effort is often doubled. In fact, in some areas of employment, career women can actually more advanced than women. With typical properties owned, women could be far left guy. What professions are they? 1. Public relations Female figure is more flexible when interacting with outsiders. A gender-related research confirms that women are creatures of communication, while a man is full of figures which tend rigid logic. With good communication skills, women are the proper representatives to maintain the company image. 2. Lawyer The ability to speak it was already an excess of women. Shrewdness of stringing words will eventually be very supportive and can convince and capture the attention of judges, In addition, the ability to negotiate a better potential for a woman to become an excellent lawyer.3. Consultant A consultant is expected to be a problem-solver for his clients. Women have the advantage of the ability of probe description (in this case, information about clients' needs and desires), and attention to detail. 4. Pediatrician Instinctively, women can more easily reach out to the children patients, Moreover, if the doctor already has children. This situation makes the woman who became a pediatrician will be able to better understand the condition of patients and parents in confusion when his son was sick.5. Psychologist A good psychologist is a good listener. And basically women really like to talk from heart to heart. You could say, almost all women talent become a psychologist. This is because the frequency intensity vent session with friends in which they live in everyday life.6. Financial planner Women are so used to personal financial planning, no doubt she will be a good partner for those who want to plan financially.7. Designers Design is an art that is feminine, because it prioritizes the tastes and flavors. This is not a difficult problem for women in his life because he already has a variety of duties related to art, ranging from choosing a partner and children, to organize the house. 8. Marketing Create women, expand networking is part of his life. Try it count, how many times a month you have an appointment to meet with old friends? Not to mention the event that more than one social gathering per month. From there, develop networking and business work more smoothly. 9. General manager He must deal with all matters relating to the progress of the company. It also means that those who occupy this position must have high multitasking capabilities. In fact, women are 'experts' multitasking. 10. CEO Women can also become CEO! All criteria must be owned by the carrier a super important position that can be fulfilled by the Eve. Women instinctively do have a better ability to become leaders. In addition, he is also famous for the great affairs of forming a team and control it. He also can always make the right decisions.
In general, people think, communication is only limited to talking and writing. This understanding is not wrong, but there are things that are not less important it is to be observed. Good communication is effective communication, not least in the world of work.How to achieve effective communication with colleagues, for example Keep in mind, being a good listener is the key to be able to communicate effectively. Therefore, it is important for you to learn to be a good listener. Try to understand what the message meant, when you are involved in a conversation. Here are quick tips for you.1. First, focus on the hearer. The seriousness of a conversation would look from your eyes focus. When speaking, look at your listener. Keep eye contact with the interlocutor. Avoid to gaze at other object is "less important".2. Second, careful think before you answer the question from a colleague, be careful, do not be too enthusiastic to show ingenuity in the things that you do not understand in their entirety, nothing wrong with a pause, Warm up your mind to ripen fruit, just after a friend finished speaking.3. Next, consider carefully whether the other person's words in harmony with the tone of his voice. Distinguish when your colleague says, "ok, I'll pay attention", with "ok, I'll pay attention!". Of course they are different is not it? look at a person's tone, will help you understand the mood. So you'll more easily capture the intent of the message.Being a good listener is a skill and ability that is rare and difficult to own. Because not only limited to the willingness to listen, but also the ability to understand the intent of the message. Quoting the words of Dale Carnegie, "the man who became the speaker you a hundred times more interested in themselves, their wants and problems than their interest in you and your problems."
Shaking hands has become part of the ritual world of business, Maybe you sometimes think shaking hands is not the important thing moreover not too long, it must consider, but not for people who are shaking hands with you, His attitude in shaking displays most impression on you.Do you remember how upset you are when shaking hands with the man who gave a very weak position limp or otherwise too loud excited. Do not until you are categorized as someone who is not impressive either when shaking hands, here's some effective techniques to shake hands:1. Look at the other person's eyes when shaking hands with him. Nothing is more ignored than the handshake without eye contact, this shows disrespect or not interested. By looking at the other person while shaking, you develop confidence and self-confidence.2. Shaking by hands from the palm to palm, do not shake hands with the palms to reconcile with your fingers, or finger with a finger. With shaking hands from palm to palm (whole) will give the feeling of friendliness and not leave feeling uncomfortable or hurt.3. Do not be too familiar. Some people overreacted by pulling your opponent's hand and a hard swing to the top to bottom. This is the same kind of handshake with the "big mouths". Be confident, do not make other people upset.4. Snap will be physically limited person. Elderly, disabled, or artist patients may have weak bones and limitation of motion. Injure someone when shaking hands may actually close the door instead of opening the door a good relationship.5. Remember to create meaningful handshakes. If you shook hands and then immediately draw your hand and continue the conversation as if nothing happened, then people will regard it as the handshake does not mean and not sincere.6. Give your opponent a few moments to show your attention through eye contact or conversation before you withdraw your hand. They will feel that they are meeting with people who are eligible.
Following the job market (Job Fair) is your chance to try to find and get the best in your career. So no one steps in making decisions about jobs and best companies who want your field, here are some helpful tips for you to follow the job market:1. Have specific strategies to maximize your time at the event. Do not spend your time with companies that do not interest you.2. Please register prior to the job fair, so you can get a list of names of companies that participated in the exhibition.3. Do not remove the list of companies simply because they recruit occupations that do not fit with your field. Nothing wrong rekruiter acquainted with his manager to add your network.4. Try to make a small research to simply knowing the information the company where you will be applying. The question that often arises from rekruiter "why are you interested in working at our company?". When you have first to find out info about the company, it is certainly not a difficult question for you. At least they will appreciate your knowledge.5. Do not just put your resume on the table and left rekruiter just walked away.6. Prepare a speech that promotes your strengths on rekruiter. And be prepared to answer common questions asked during the interview.7. Prepare also a good strategy when talking about work experience, skills, and expertise. While for those who are still in school, sometimes asking rekruiter GPA (grade point average), in which your university and so forth. So be prepared.8. Do not be afraid to be intimidated by rekruiter. They are merely a person appointed to select you. Confidently say you are a potential candidate.9. Prepare some questions to rekruiter. This helps to demonstrate your interest in the company. But do not ask about general things that everyone knows, like "This company is engaged in what?" This means you should prepare questions are more intense, personal. For example, "what should I do in that field?"10. It is also important. Call rekruiter name several times when you talk to him. You can get acquainted, exchange business cards or just peek of name tag he was wearing.11. Eliminate bad habits, such as the play ends of your hair, chewing gum, shaking, or rubbing the nose. It raises your bad image in the eyes rekruiter.12. Remember the important things during the interview, shake hands, smile, eye contact, use a firm voice and clear intonation.13. Avoid as much as possible its frequency to mumble. Words such as "umm ..."," oh ... " or "so." Notice every detail of words flowing from your mouth, although not a formal words and raw. Be polite then rekruiter will feel appreciated, and will definitely add a plus for you.14. Bring several copies of the application and your resume. Try different models and should resume in various versions, tailored to the type of company that will you are applying.15. Take advantage of your time to build good relations with rekruiter. But do not be impressed by monopolizing their time.16. Do not just back and forth in front of the company's booth, and then interrupting the ongoing conversation. You will be branded as a bully. We recommend that you wait for your turn to speak and be polite.17. Wear clothing that shows your professionalism. Choose clothes that "safe" and comfortable shoes, the phrase "Do not judge the book by its cover", the exhibition will not apply when a job or job fairs. Since most rekruiter not only see the "brains" you but also your appearance.18. Do not waste the opportunity to build the network. Good with rekruiter, other job-seekers or with other professionals in attendance at the Job Fair.19. Do not say bad things about your school, previous jobs and your company, your boss or supervisor.20. Make sure you ask about the entire recruitment process, but do not ask too many questions about salary, time for the holidays, and anything that you can be in the company. Remember, you have not contributed anything to the company, so do not always demanded too much.21. Make an initiative to ask the next process, and prepare yourself for this.22. You may be in contact via phone or email about the results of the recruitment process. Do not forget to say thank you when you are otherwise likely to join their company. Not a difficult thing to do. Your score will increase. From little things big effect!
Participating in the job market (job-fair) is one of the most potential for getting a dream job. However, you must be observant to see the opportunity, because there are so many companies that offer jobs, and far more people who are looking for opportunities. Do not let your 'stuck' in a job just because of the origin of application and resume throwing. Here are some tips for you:1. Find out as much as about job-fair agenda either through the newspaper and site recruitment companies (eg and You can also join the mailing list of job seekers on the internet.2. Review, re-name and type of company that will be present in job-fair. Are you really interested?3. Based on the information a company that will present it, create a resume and cover letter directed to each of the companies that interest you. Do not forget, at the front of the CV and application, always attach a color photo and copy of identity card. Prepare a CV and application backup to anticipate matters outside the plan.4. There are several companies that conducted recruitment in job-fair location. You should prepare yourself by dressing as neat as possible and bring a complete stationery supplies.5. In addition to resumes and applications spread, do not forget to ask for contact persons-in-charge (PIC) are spoken for companies to follow up our proposal.
This is the unwritten rule; faced women look beautiful and attractive tend to be more successful than those with standard-looking, with equivalent performance. This is evidenced in a study by Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle published in the Journal of Labor Economics.Attractive-looking women earn higher salaries, are also easier to get a promotion. At first glance, 'regulation' is seen to be discriminatory. Did not work should be judged on merit, rather than physical appearance?Indeed, not everyone agrees with those rules. Attractive appearance means nothing if not balanced with a good performance. In other words, despite the beautiful appearance can bring someone to the many door of opportunity, but will not be able to penetrate the door without adequate capital achievements.Someone can look very stunning, but within five minutes of the first impression can be ruined if he acted unprofessionally, although the appearance was the first thing seen from someone, but appearances are not always able to win the competence, interpersonal skills, and other factors. Appearances are not going to help you be successful in other areas of life.Nevertheless, regardless of anything, you really need to pay attention to outward appearance. Attractive appearance will improve confidence. For that, make sure your posture is perfect; keep your back straight, lift your head, and make eye contact with the speaker.
Novice workers will generally find it difficult to manage the payroll first. The first time you get the money himself, wanting to be spent to purchase goods not be bought as a 'hold up' parents. But be careful, if not carefully manage the revenue, might no longer any money left in savings accounts at the time of accountability months. In order for it not to happen, here are some tips:1. Make priority scaleDo not get stuck in the over-consumptive lifestyle. You need to create a scale of priorities between the need for separate primary and secondary needs. Limit yourself to buy goods that are needed, do not be tempted just because of the prestige or the hungry eye.The cost of transportation, housing and meals, including a primary need, while fees for recreational activities such as movies, hanging out in cafes, or to purchase fashion items, can be categorized as secondary needs.2. Arrange the budget planUpon receiving the salary, create a budget plan by creating the post of income and expense items each month. Compare the budget of every post you've made with the realization, then do the analysis. Learn to balance revenue with expenditure, lest you trigger overdrawn before the end of the month because it is too easy to spend money.3. Save some moneyOne thing is very important for you to do is save some money in savings accounts. Set aside a portion of salary received by each month in preparation for the future. These savings can then be used to purchase goods or to finance the dream a dream vacation, but remember, do not spend all your accounts!4. Stay away from credit card debt and Avoid credit card debt and as much as possibleIf you had to have a credit card just in case if necessary, limit the amount and usage.5. Keep commitmentsKeep commitments to the scale of priorities and budget plans that you set from the start, never tempted to break them.
The more creative women who start and run their own business, this break assumption that women are fragile creatures and unable to compete in the business world that has so far been dominated by men, Nevertheless, there are still many people - including women themselves - believe that the difficult business run by women, especially women who have housekeeping.It can be tough, split his time between business and family. But, with proper management, both can still work well without disturbing each other. Because actually, there are many basic characteristics that women can actually become a key success factor a business. Call it patience, emotional maturity, and communication skills.Running his own business, women can more easily manage your time, than if he had to work with others, The better a business system, then the less time required by the owner to manage them.Another plus is his owned business, many business types that can be done at home. A woman who is already married or have children though, could still run the business. With an entrepreneur, a housewife can actualize himself, to develop creativity, so as not solely confined to household affairs throughout the day. This will create a more open mind.One again, with business, women can help the family economy. He also became more independent, so that you have 'bargaining power' is higher in the presence of their husbands.
Employment contract is the general standard set forth in the Employment Act. Employment contract can be said as a written agreement between the company and its employees. This formal agreement is evidence of cooperation ties between the two sides, which contains the obligations and rights of each party.Once the importance of the contents of the letter of employment contract, then make sure you read very carefully and thoroughly every sentence contained in the letter of the contract before you sign. Opportunity to correct the contents of the letter will be lost when you've scrawled signature on it. Here are some basic things that must be stated in the employment contract:1. AppointmentIn a letter written employment contract should clearly position you will occupy. Also note the job description so you know the boundaries of your job will be handled and also avoid the disappointment and regret because they felt the workload was too heavy.2. Salary InformationEnsure a nominal salary to be received clearly stated in the letter of the employment agreement, so you avoid the problem of incompatibility between the total amounts of contract with reality. Notice also details on how to calculate back pay, salary payment, and also regarding salary increases.3. Placement of the work schedule and locationWork schedule shall include hours worked, overtime, rest periods and holidays. This information is very important so you can calculate the amount of time and transportation costs will be incurred.4. TerminationThis section discusses the various conditions that can cause an employee has terminated or fired. Do not get just because of the small negligence, your position in the company threatened. Please observe all rules and regulations established carefully.
Not easy to find work, not easy to request permission to stop working.
Not impossible, boss refused to sign the petition to stop your work, if your attitude is judged not good; due to offend him, or because you have breached the rules of the office. So, how should you behave before deciding to resign from employment?1. Do not ever leave the office before you sign a contract with your new company.2. Convey your relocation plans, the first time to the boss. Do not let her know of the rumors or gossip from your peers.3. Keep working as usual, without degrading performance, until the day you have to leave the old office.4. Be simple. No need to show off the facility or the salary in the new company that employs you.5. Do not show a sense of 'relief' excessive move ahead. Instead, show the attitude that you really feel heavy to leave your old job, as well as colleagues who had been to accompany and assist you.6. Complete all administrative problems with the old office.7. Clear your desk. Arrange the files according to the place. Make sure your replacement will be a new person will not feel any trouble until he did not need to contact you to ask about the things you have not yet settled.8. When the old office has prepared a replacement before you go, train him wholeheartedly.9. Do not take any items you do not own.