Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

How to Face Conflict Wisely

Conflicts can arise in the workplace, at any time. Respond, you must be level-headed and wise, so that conflicts do not more pointed.

1. Do not pretend there is no conflict, but also do not make the problem becomes more pointed, for example, by disseminating information that is not necessarily true.

2. Do not be antipathy. Not every dispute a negative nature, because who knows of these differences of opinion, insight and your mindset to be open. You will understand something not previously experienced. But also do not make the conflict as a pleasure, especially when decorated with oblique gossip.

3. Avoid making other people as scapegoats, because you would not want to be the culprit, right? So do not be too quick to conclude towards the middle of the dispute occurred.

4. Do not be hasty in complaining of conflict on the other hand, wait until there is clear information in advance. If not directly involved, it is better not to 'fanning' the parties concerned and make the atmosphere even more heat. Exercise caution in giving opinions if they did not know the real problem.

5. If asked for an opinion, give a proportion. Do not exaggerate, let alone dramatized events.

6. Remain professional. Make sure the conflict does not affect your work in the office.

7. Conflict is not a failure, because every issue is a flashback to the challenges of living and environmental conditions that need to be fixed.

8. If the dispute has subsided, avoid bringing up issues with the 'voices' tune, so it does not flare again. Which then let go, it's better to take lesson and make the lessons in the future to avoid recurrence.

Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Calm Receive Criticism

Never easy to accept criticism, even though we feel guilty, you might also have become one of the victims of criticism in the office, whether by supervisors or coworkers. But you must not be careless to react, because it can actually make things worse. To remain calm accept criticism, apply the following points:

1. Show the people who criticize that you are really listening and giving full attention to every word he utters. Give a nod or other verbal cues.

2. Try to find the positive side of criticism that was delivered. No harm in listening to comments that are constructive. If unclear, ask the good you are doing wrong.

3. After the critics of finished express opinions, give your own perspective in a calm and relaxed. Being calm will help cool the atmosphere and reduce tensions that might have time to ride.

4. Do not interrupt when he was not finished, it will only make her more incentive to attack it.

5. Find the center line to connect your perspective with criticism. Went from there to find solutions, and ask for opinions on your perspective, After that, re-stacking all the ideas.

6. Show your good faith to reach agreement. Know what is really desired by the critics, then look for solutions together.

7. Remember, do not be nervous or afraid, because it actually will show your weaknesses, People who are afraid to accept criticism, is not yet ready to progress and develop. Criticism should be able to make you become a better individual.

8. You can’t please everyone, so make sure first that the criticism is true. Someone could have been criticized on the basis of mere personal sentiment. Do not waste your energy and your valuable time to think about things that are destructive.

Jumat, 22 Januari 2010

Restoring Concentration

Concentrate fully on the job, will make it all was light and the work can be completed on time. When you begin to lose focus and difficulty concentrating, try these tips:

1. Close your eyes and arrange for breath
Respiratory therapy believed to be very effective to give the peace. Listen to the sound when you draw breath and blow air. If still not successful, try to hear other sounds around you. When the eyes are still closed, looking for one voice - the voice ticking clock, for example, or the roar of AC machines - and focus him. Slowly make that voice be heard beautiful rhythm. That way you'll enjoy it. Feelings of pleasure and happiness can come up with a new spirit.

2. Drinking water
Water can also help restore the focus of your attention, when the concentration began to disintegrate, drink water. Human brain needs water to function properly.

3. Eat
Stomach growling can also disperse the concentration. Do not leave your stomach growling while working. When the stomach began to 'read' before lunchtime arrived, chock with healthy snacks, fruits or nuts.

4. Walk
If you have enough time to spare, look for a new atmosphere. You can stroll around the yard office. When you have more time, chatted briefly with a colleague while you make coffee in the pantry can also help, provided it does not forget about the time of course!

Kamis, 21 Januari 2010

Freelance Work Ethic

There are many reasons to take jobs outside the main job. Financial difficulties are main reasons. In addition, there are also people who feel affection when the time is wasted, because the main job does not require much time and energy. Whatever the reason, there are several things that must be considered when deciding to find additional work.

1. Ensure jobs do not make major work had been neglected. If you have to mess around with responsibilities in the office, you should not add another burden to find a new job. Because the impact will be bad for you; add stress, can also interfere with the performance.

2. Learn the wisdom of a good company where you work. Some companies set strict rules that prohibit employees have side jobs. If so, consider carefully the various aspects of cost-benefit that may arise. Are the benefits gained from a side job commensurate with the risk of losing your current job?

3. Do not do a side job on the sidelines of the main working time, even for just a phone call or reply email. If there are urgent matters, use your lunch hour.

4. Do not use the office facilities for the benefit of a side job, it's highly unethical.

5. Instead, look for side jobs that can run in synch with the main job, and still lets you get adequate rest every day.

6. Find jobs that have more flexible work schedule, so no need to sacrifice to the primary job responsibilities. For example, the work can be done on weekends.

7. Choose a side job that interests or hobbies, so you do not feel it as an additional burden. If you like to make a cake, why not try to market it?

8. If you're not able to run both jobs at once, consider to release one of them. If the financial affairs of an obstacle, try to take another way, for example by negotiating a salary increase to the boss.

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Threats Interrogate Termination

Before the global financial crisis is passed, no one is really free from the threat of termination of employment (FLE). Although we must hope for the best, there's no harm in preparing all things.

Normally there are two problems that will arise when the layoffs occurred, ie financial problems and mental readiness. Step wise you can do at that time was to give a little space and time for yourself. Use those moments to think clearly and calmly before finally making a big decision.

1. Pay off debt
There are several things you can do to stabilize the financial condition when layoffs come. For this case, the first step that must be done is to immediately pay off all remaining debts, by reducing or even pay off debts means that you have reduced the number of spending bills in the list of your household. If the threat of job loss does occur, you can still survive with little money is left without having to worry about other things.

2. Sideline business
Another thing you can do to anticipate the threat of layoffs is by seeking business opportunities in order to increase revenue. Use all the skills and expertise you have and look for part-time job. Do not just rely on your financial future in just one source of income.

Although at this point you have good jobs and positions within the company, but there's nothing wrong you create other income by looking for opportunities to do business. So if at any time the company suffered colaps, you do not need to be confused and worried because there are other sources of income.

3. Stabilize emotions
Seen from one's mental readiness, it must be painful when they lose their job, especially if the job is just what we wanted, with good positions. Not to mention a sense of loss of colleagues who had been on good terms with you. Feelings like this are not easy to be neutralized, but that does not mean you have to dissolve in sadness and sense of loss. You should be able to rise from the crash and make the situation better. Try using this opportunity to do something new and different in your life.

4. Stay motivated
It is equally important, if you or one you know experiencing layoffs, give them support and encouragement. Everyone, especially those who lost their jobs, would require the presence of another person by his side until they get through the tough times that.

Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Time Management Women's Career

Being a career woman who once played doubles as a housewife, it requires extra energy. You must be clever-clever managing time and energy to keep if utilizing the potential and not sink into an exhausting routine. Laura Stack, helps you manage your time with some of the following rules:

1. Complete all domestic affairs, such as washing, cleaning, cooking, before leaving for work. Do not work alone, because it will drain half your energy. We recommend that you share those tasks to the entire family. Divide this task, in addition to helping alleviate the task, learning will also provide accountability.

2. Teach children to cook. At leisure in the afternoon or evening, or maybe on the weekends, try to spend time in the kitchen. You can teach kids to cook, as well as prepare food for the next day. These important skills mastered, no matter the sex of your child: men and women should be cooking. When we have been able to prepare the meal yourself, you will not need to worry about leaving them when traveling out of town on business, for example.

3. Speak clearly. Not everyone can understand what you want, unless you express them clearly. When giving commands, for example, make sure people understand your point. If necessary, ask questions to clarify, whether truly understand what you mean.

4. Do not be too perfectionist. Just devote time and attention of your primary to things that are necessary and important. About the small details, as much as possible delegated to others. If you do not have subordinates or employees, complete the minor affairs as quickly as possible.

5. Doing big things first. In the morning, get used to doing big jobs that will facilitate the flow of the next job. If in the beginning you choose to do things small and trivial, big job that will always be delayed, and appear heavier.

6. Fag in the beginning will also free your-self of stress. When the work is done, you will feel relieved. After that, you can give 'gift' for yourself, such as eating, reading, or chatting with friends, while gathering energy for the next job.

This also applies to domestic affairs. Mop, for example, it is exhausting. However, delay-postpone will only make you tired even before the start. So should, immediately mop the floor of your home, then take a rest and enjoy time with spouse and children.

Kamis, 14 Januari 2010

Building a Positive Image

Positive image is very important for paving the way toward the career of your dreams. Someone who has a positive image or aura will make the people around him feel comfortable, confident, and confident about him, this is what make things so much easier.

You too can create positive vibrations surrounding you, with the following ways.

1. Want to share your
In social life, people tend to give and work solely in order to satisfy the ego. But in fact, give a sincere positive feelings can grow. Learn to give without expecting a reward, the feeling that comes from the heart to grow the satisfaction and pleasure. So giving aid is not an attitude of empathy, but a sense of responsibility.

2. Humble
Believe in yourself, and get rid of the desire to always prove to other people. Meanwhile, people trying to humble, they should stop being selfish attitude, it's a process that is absolute and build.

3. Keep your behavior
Courteous attitude to make others feel comfortable conversing with you, and show respect for other Oran. Be full of good karma is not only applicable in some people that you think should be respected, but on every person you know, no matter their status and position.

4. Blessed
Over time, think of yourself as a person of interest. Preserve views as clearly as possible in your mind. Armed with that conviction, by itself, you will always be kind to those around you.

Create your face is always cheerful. When you smile, your brain will react and produce endorphins (a natural substance that removes the pain). In addition, a smile will make you very uncomfortable. A smile will spread joy to others. Emphasize in your mind while you are with someone else, that smile could shorten the distance between other people. All this will make you always enthusiastic and excited! This enthusiasm will create wonderful things for you.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Time Efficiency

How long was your work time, if not used efficiently, will never be enough jobs not being finished, and you also lose a lot of energy without the expected fruit.

Efficient in their work, making things easier and faster will be seen vividly intricate, the overlap will be felt lightly.

1. The first step toward efficiency is a tidy desk. That way you can sort out which ones really need and which can wait not even need to be done at all.

2. Sort all the work 'presented' at your desk today. We recommend that you do have is yours. Do not repeat the sorting, because it is a waste of time. Do it one by one until the job is done, so you do not need to go back and forth repeating again. Doing one job until completely finished, it will also remove some burden from your desk.

3. After construction is completed, and your mind relieved, craft a plan for tomorrow. With a set plan, you become more able to concentrate. This is the key to your successful career for a job can often be done at once.

4. If there is something you feel is not right, soon overcome as early as possible, so as not to become bigger and interfere. The more experienced on the job, you will be more observant when viewing the irregularities.

5. Do not be too much to interfere with the affairs of a co-worker, because it will ultimately fatal if not go interminable. but that does not mean you have to shut down. You can think with your-self.

Dressing Right at as crisis

At the moment this kind of predicament, still should you dress up and pay attention to appearance? Of course! Rather, in times like these, you should increase the performance of work, and, considering the outward appearance that confirms your performance.

Dress neat and interesting work, will improve the mood to work and make you more enthusiastic. Clothing is also important for personal branding, show that you are a working professional, serious, dedicated people. Conversely, the display is too casual working clothes will make you look was relaxing, and instead are working optimally.

In some specific areas of work, creative arts, for example, such rules may not apply. But, more field work that requires the worker to appear neat and attractive.

In a state of crisis, when other needs so pressing, you're probably thinking, what's the point attention to outward appearances, yet the performance can be assessed without regard to external display?

If you still think like that, you should consider returning. Physical appearance, however, affect the assessment of a person against you, including, assessment supervisor. When you look physically attractive and neat, at least, reflect that you are still eager to work. And in the worst circumstances, it could be one of the reasons for not firing you.

No need to sacrifice other needs if you seriously want to improve appearance. Simply take a little time to iron your clothes up neatly, and woke up a little earlier so you have time to freshen up. Apply make-up simple, so the face looks brighter.

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

Stop Work Ethic

Not easy to find work, not easy to request permission to stop working. Not impossible, boss refused to sign the petition to stop your work, if your attitude is judged not good; due to offend him, or because you have breached the rules of the office.

So, how should you behave before deciding to resign from employment?
1. Do not ever leave the office before you sign a contract with your new company.

2. Convey your relocation plans, the first time to the boss. Do not let her know of the rumors or gossip from your peers.

3. Keep working as usual, without degrading performance, until the day you have to leave the old office.

4. Be simple. No need to show off the facility or the salary in the new company that employs you.

5. Do not show a sense of 'relief' excessive move ahead. Instead, show the attitude that you really feel heavy to leave your old job, as well as colleagues who had been to accompany and assist you.

6. Complete all administrative problems with the old office.

7. Clear your desk. Arrange the files according to the place. Make sure your replacement will be a new person will not feel any trouble until he did not need to contact you to ask about the things you have not yet settled.

8. When the old office has prepared a replacement before you go, train him wholeheartedly.

9. Do not take any items you do not own.

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Preparing for Plan B

At the moment uncertain economic conditions like today, you can’t stay silent, to feel comfortable in your safe zone. Any company can go bankrupt and laying off employees at any time. If you do not have a handle, can be messy problem.

Apart from praying and hoping for the best, you should also prepare a contingency plan. There are several steps that must be drawn from today:

1. Always update your resume
Updating your resume should be conducted regularly, at least 2 times a year. Resume demonstrates a mastery of what you earn over a certain period. If you do not update too long, there may be some new courses or skills you speak, miss, not delivered in a resume. Wait what, immediately update your resume now.

2. Prepare a special dress for job interviews
In any place, the basic look of a professional is the right size jacket, dark body. This model also Jas never outdated. At the very least, you should have it, at least one. This is important, for use in job interviews or other formal situations, so you look neat and professional.

3. Fix display
If you want to remain competitive, you not only need to update skills, but also the display. You certainly do not want to, excluded from the job applicants just because of losing competitiveness in the view, when you believe your ability away from its rivals, Needless to excessive make-up. Simply look neat, with hair styles and makeup appropriate age.

4. Lower weight
Yes, that's right, you need to lose weight, when for several years within your comfort zone continues to accumulate fat. Not only affect the appearance, also accumulate fat that will cause health problems. Okay, now, you are ready with whatever lie ahead!

Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Do not Cry at the Office

Weighed from various sides, better not to shed tears at the office where you work. But when you include people who have a delicate and sensitive feeling would be difficult to control emotions. You also would be worried if it would then interfere with the nature of career reputation.

Then, what should be done? When it can no longer containable emotions, shed tears as much as possible in the more hidden places, like in the toilet. But try not to cry until a protracted, try to restrain emotions in such a way even touched his chest.

Then wash the face with water and wipe with a tissue. Then sprinkle with powder face and fix your hair and clothes. Do not let your face and you looked rumpled appearance due to tears. If possible, do not let a lot of people know, especially your boss. If the boss finds out, your concern will be treated as people who can’t control themselves well.

Assess your boss will probably not strong mentally strong and did not handle the pressure. Therefore, if your boss to recognize the signs had been crying, you should argue, except if it regarding the personal problems the family. Want to share the pain of ill, goes to a trustworthy friend in the office. But remember, limit which should be told, what is not. Talk at the right time, for example, at rest or home office.

As much as possible, when in office forget all personal problems. The trick, focus only on the job for relaxation, do fun things like chat, send and read funny stories by e-mail or surf to favorite sites on the Internet. But remember, still keep your job performance, do not let it lie fallow on business instead.