Sabtu, 02 Januari 2010

Do not Cry at the Office

Weighed from various sides, better not to shed tears at the office where you work. But when you include people who have a delicate and sensitive feeling would be difficult to control emotions. You also would be worried if it would then interfere with the nature of career reputation.

Then, what should be done? When it can no longer containable emotions, shed tears as much as possible in the more hidden places, like in the toilet. But try not to cry until a protracted, try to restrain emotions in such a way even touched his chest.

Then wash the face with water and wipe with a tissue. Then sprinkle with powder face and fix your hair and clothes. Do not let your face and you looked rumpled appearance due to tears. If possible, do not let a lot of people know, especially your boss. If the boss finds out, your concern will be treated as people who can’t control themselves well.

Assess your boss will probably not strong mentally strong and did not handle the pressure. Therefore, if your boss to recognize the signs had been crying, you should argue, except if it regarding the personal problems the family. Want to share the pain of ill, goes to a trustworthy friend in the office. But remember, limit which should be told, what is not. Talk at the right time, for example, at rest or home office.

As much as possible, when in office forget all personal problems. The trick, focus only on the job for relaxation, do fun things like chat, send and read funny stories by e-mail or surf to favorite sites on the Internet. But remember, still keep your job performance, do not let it lie fallow on business instead.

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