Selasa, 26 Januari 2010

How to Face Conflict Wisely

Conflicts can arise in the workplace, at any time. Respond, you must be level-headed and wise, so that conflicts do not more pointed.

1. Do not pretend there is no conflict, but also do not make the problem becomes more pointed, for example, by disseminating information that is not necessarily true.

2. Do not be antipathy. Not every dispute a negative nature, because who knows of these differences of opinion, insight and your mindset to be open. You will understand something not previously experienced. But also do not make the conflict as a pleasure, especially when decorated with oblique gossip.

3. Avoid making other people as scapegoats, because you would not want to be the culprit, right? So do not be too quick to conclude towards the middle of the dispute occurred.

4. Do not be hasty in complaining of conflict on the other hand, wait until there is clear information in advance. If not directly involved, it is better not to 'fanning' the parties concerned and make the atmosphere even more heat. Exercise caution in giving opinions if they did not know the real problem.

5. If asked for an opinion, give a proportion. Do not exaggerate, let alone dramatized events.

6. Remain professional. Make sure the conflict does not affect your work in the office.

7. Conflict is not a failure, because every issue is a flashback to the challenges of living and environmental conditions that need to be fixed.

8. If the dispute has subsided, avoid bringing up issues with the 'voices' tune, so it does not flare again. Which then let go, it's better to take lesson and make the lessons in the future to avoid recurrence.

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