Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Preparing for Plan B

At the moment uncertain economic conditions like today, you can’t stay silent, to feel comfortable in your safe zone. Any company can go bankrupt and laying off employees at any time. If you do not have a handle, can be messy problem.

Apart from praying and hoping for the best, you should also prepare a contingency plan. There are several steps that must be drawn from today:

1. Always update your resume
Updating your resume should be conducted regularly, at least 2 times a year. Resume demonstrates a mastery of what you earn over a certain period. If you do not update too long, there may be some new courses or skills you speak, miss, not delivered in a resume. Wait what, immediately update your resume now.

2. Prepare a special dress for job interviews
In any place, the basic look of a professional is the right size jacket, dark body. This model also Jas never outdated. At the very least, you should have it, at least one. This is important, for use in job interviews or other formal situations, so you look neat and professional.

3. Fix display
If you want to remain competitive, you not only need to update skills, but also the display. You certainly do not want to, excluded from the job applicants just because of losing competitiveness in the view, when you believe your ability away from its rivals, Needless to excessive make-up. Simply look neat, with hair styles and makeup appropriate age.

4. Lower weight
Yes, that's right, you need to lose weight, when for several years within your comfort zone continues to accumulate fat. Not only affect the appearance, also accumulate fat that will cause health problems. Okay, now, you are ready with whatever lie ahead!

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