Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010

Time Management Women's Career

Being a career woman who once played doubles as a housewife, it requires extra energy. You must be clever-clever managing time and energy to keep if utilizing the potential and not sink into an exhausting routine. Laura Stack, helps you manage your time with some of the following rules:

1. Complete all domestic affairs, such as washing, cleaning, cooking, before leaving for work. Do not work alone, because it will drain half your energy. We recommend that you share those tasks to the entire family. Divide this task, in addition to helping alleviate the task, learning will also provide accountability.

2. Teach children to cook. At leisure in the afternoon or evening, or maybe on the weekends, try to spend time in the kitchen. You can teach kids to cook, as well as prepare food for the next day. These important skills mastered, no matter the sex of your child: men and women should be cooking. When we have been able to prepare the meal yourself, you will not need to worry about leaving them when traveling out of town on business, for example.

3. Speak clearly. Not everyone can understand what you want, unless you express them clearly. When giving commands, for example, make sure people understand your point. If necessary, ask questions to clarify, whether truly understand what you mean.

4. Do not be too perfectionist. Just devote time and attention of your primary to things that are necessary and important. About the small details, as much as possible delegated to others. If you do not have subordinates or employees, complete the minor affairs as quickly as possible.

5. Doing big things first. In the morning, get used to doing big jobs that will facilitate the flow of the next job. If in the beginning you choose to do things small and trivial, big job that will always be delayed, and appear heavier.

6. Fag in the beginning will also free your-self of stress. When the work is done, you will feel relieved. After that, you can give 'gift' for yourself, such as eating, reading, or chatting with friends, while gathering energy for the next job.

This also applies to domestic affairs. Mop, for example, it is exhausting. However, delay-postpone will only make you tired even before the start. So should, immediately mop the floor of your home, then take a rest and enjoy time with spouse and children.

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