Rabu, 20 Januari 2010

Threats Interrogate Termination

Before the global financial crisis is passed, no one is really free from the threat of termination of employment (FLE). Although we must hope for the best, there's no harm in preparing all things.

Normally there are two problems that will arise when the layoffs occurred, ie financial problems and mental readiness. Step wise you can do at that time was to give a little space and time for yourself. Use those moments to think clearly and calmly before finally making a big decision.

1. Pay off debt
There are several things you can do to stabilize the financial condition when layoffs come. For this case, the first step that must be done is to immediately pay off all remaining debts, by reducing or even pay off debts means that you have reduced the number of spending bills in the list of your household. If the threat of job loss does occur, you can still survive with little money is left without having to worry about other things.

2. Sideline business
Another thing you can do to anticipate the threat of layoffs is by seeking business opportunities in order to increase revenue. Use all the skills and expertise you have and look for part-time job. Do not just rely on your financial future in just one source of income.

Although at this point you have good jobs and positions within the company, but there's nothing wrong you create other income by looking for opportunities to do business. So if at any time the company suffered colaps, you do not need to be confused and worried because there are other sources of income.

3. Stabilize emotions
Seen from one's mental readiness, it must be painful when they lose their job, especially if the job is just what we wanted, with good positions. Not to mention a sense of loss of colleagues who had been on good terms with you. Feelings like this are not easy to be neutralized, but that does not mean you have to dissolve in sadness and sense of loss. You should be able to rise from the crash and make the situation better. Try using this opportunity to do something new and different in your life.

4. Stay motivated
It is equally important, if you or one you know experiencing layoffs, give them support and encouragement. Everyone, especially those who lost their jobs, would require the presence of another person by his side until they get through the tough times that.

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