Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Dressing Right at as crisis

At the moment this kind of predicament, still should you dress up and pay attention to appearance? Of course! Rather, in times like these, you should increase the performance of work, and, considering the outward appearance that confirms your performance.

Dress neat and interesting work, will improve the mood to work and make you more enthusiastic. Clothing is also important for personal branding, show that you are a working professional, serious, dedicated people. Conversely, the display is too casual working clothes will make you look was relaxing, and instead are working optimally.

In some specific areas of work, creative arts, for example, such rules may not apply. But, more field work that requires the worker to appear neat and attractive.

In a state of crisis, when other needs so pressing, you're probably thinking, what's the point attention to outward appearances, yet the performance can be assessed without regard to external display?

If you still think like that, you should consider returning. Physical appearance, however, affect the assessment of a person against you, including, assessment supervisor. When you look physically attractive and neat, at least, reflect that you are still eager to work. And in the worst circumstances, it could be one of the reasons for not firing you.

No need to sacrifice other needs if you seriously want to improve appearance. Simply take a little time to iron your clothes up neatly, and woke up a little earlier so you have time to freshen up. Apply make-up simple, so the face looks brighter.

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