Minggu, 24 Januari 2010

Calm Receive Criticism

Never easy to accept criticism, even though we feel guilty, you might also have become one of the victims of criticism in the office, whether by supervisors or coworkers. But you must not be careless to react, because it can actually make things worse. To remain calm accept criticism, apply the following points:

1. Show the people who criticize that you are really listening and giving full attention to every word he utters. Give a nod or other verbal cues.

2. Try to find the positive side of criticism that was delivered. No harm in listening to comments that are constructive. If unclear, ask the good you are doing wrong.

3. After the critics of finished express opinions, give your own perspective in a calm and relaxed. Being calm will help cool the atmosphere and reduce tensions that might have time to ride.

4. Do not interrupt when he was not finished, it will only make her more incentive to attack it.

5. Find the center line to connect your perspective with criticism. Went from there to find solutions, and ask for opinions on your perspective, After that, re-stacking all the ideas.

6. Show your good faith to reach agreement. Know what is really desired by the critics, then look for solutions together.

7. Remember, do not be nervous or afraid, because it actually will show your weaknesses, People who are afraid to accept criticism, is not yet ready to progress and develop. Criticism should be able to make you become a better individual.

8. You can’t please everyone, so make sure first that the criticism is true. Someone could have been criticized on the basis of mere personal sentiment. Do not waste your energy and your valuable time to think about things that are destructive.

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