Minggu, 14 Februari 2010

About who should and should not be performed in the Jobs

Following the job market (Job Fair) is your chance to try to find and get the best in your career. So no one steps in making decisions about jobs and best companies who want your field, here are some helpful tips for you to follow the job market:

1. Have specific strategies to maximize your time at the event. Do not spend your time with companies that do not interest you.

2. Please register prior to the job fair, so you can get a list of names of companies that participated in the exhibition.

3. Do not remove the list of companies simply because they recruit occupations that do not fit with your field. Nothing wrong rekruiter acquainted with his manager to add your network.

4. Try to make a small research to simply knowing the information the company where you will be applying. The question that often arises from rekruiter "why are you interested in working at our company?". When you have first to find out info about the company, it is certainly not a difficult question for you. At least they will appreciate your knowledge.

5. Do not just put your resume on the table and left rekruiter just walked away.

6. Prepare a speech that promotes your strengths on rekruiter. And be prepared to answer common questions asked during the interview.

7. Prepare also a good strategy when talking about work experience, skills, and expertise. While for those who are still in school, sometimes asking rekruiter GPA (grade point average), in which your university and so forth. So be prepared.

8. Do not be afraid to be intimidated by rekruiter. They are merely a person appointed to select you. Confidently say you are a potential candidate.

9. Prepare some questions to rekruiter. This helps to demonstrate your interest in the company. But do not ask about general things that everyone knows, like "This company is engaged in what?" This means you should prepare questions are more intense, personal. For example, "what should I do in that field?"

10. It is also important. Call rekruiter name several times when you talk to him. You can get acquainted, exchange business cards or just peek of name tag he was wearing.

11. Eliminate bad habits, such as the play ends of your hair, chewing gum, shaking, or rubbing the nose. It raises your bad image in the eyes rekruiter.

12. Remember the important things during the interview, shake hands, smile, eye contact, use a firm voice and clear intonation.

13. Avoid as much as possible its frequency to mumble. Words such as "umm ..."," oh ... " or "so." Notice every detail of words flowing from your mouth, although not a formal words and raw. Be polite then rekruiter will feel appreciated, and will definitely add a plus for you.

14. Bring several copies of the application and your resume. Try different models and should resume in various versions, tailored to the type of company that will you are applying.

15. Take advantage of your time to build good relations with rekruiter. But do not be impressed by monopolizing their time.

16. Do not just back and forth in front of the company's booth, and then interrupting the ongoing conversation. You will be branded as a bully. We recommend that you wait for your turn to speak and be polite.

17. Wear clothing that shows your professionalism. Choose clothes that "safe" and comfortable shoes, the phrase "Do not judge the book by its cover", the exhibition will not apply when a job or job fairs. Since most rekruiter not only see the "brains" you but also your appearance.

18. Do not waste the opportunity to build the network. Good with rekruiter, other job-seekers or with other professionals in attendance at the Job Fair.

19. Do not say bad things about your school, previous jobs and your company, your boss or supervisor.

20. Make sure you ask about the entire recruitment process, but do not ask too many questions about salary, time for the holidays, and anything that you can be in the company. Remember, you have not contributed anything to the company, so do not always demanded too much.

21. Make an initiative to ask the next process, and prepare yourself for this.

22. You may be in contact via phone or email about the results of the recruitment process. Do not forget to say thank you when you are otherwise likely to join their company. Not a difficult thing to do. Your score will increase. From little things big effect!

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