Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Always say "I Love Saturday"

Starting on the move after a day relaxing weekend getaway at times heavy, do not let the Monday blues syndrome that go on, because it can interfere with work performance and deflate your spirits. In order to remain cheerful in the day Monday the heavy, try the following steps:

1. Wear the best clothes
Best suit to the office can help pump the mood so you feel more cheerful and confident. You will be shocked at how big the effect clothing for your feelings about yourself.

2. Up early
Many bad things happen when you woke up late, Tension level increases, no time for breakfast in their haste to leave, so do not feel comfortable with sharp eyes work friends. Therefore, make sure you get up early.

3. Pamper yourself
If you wake up early enough, you have plenty of time to pamper yourself with a sit back while enjoying a delicious breakfast. You can prepare the fried rice with a cup of coffee, tea, milk or simply piece of buttered bread with apply accompanied by a glass of cereal.

4. Anticipate busy
Most people are impatient waiting for the weekends so that blur darted straight hours in the day that ended Friday. In fact, it's better to sacrifice a little time to do more work on that day. Thus, your work on Monday will be much lighter.

5. Listen to music
Play one or a few songs to help deal with a bad day. Choose a song that has the energetic beats to create a more cheerful atmosphere.

6. Snacked on chocolate
The most delicious snacks are eaten as having a bad mood is chocolate. Chocolate gives the signal to the brain to release endorphin hormones which have a calming effect, to improve mood as well as relieve stress.

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