Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Peak Careers for Women

The woman, now increasingly have the opportunity to align with the man in the world of work. Currently, any man who achieved, women can also be reached, although the effort is often doubled.

In fact, in some areas of employment, career women can actually more advanced than women. With typical properties owned, women could be far left guy. What professions are they?

1. Public relations Female figure is more flexible when interacting with outsiders. A gender-related research confirms that women are creatures of communication, while a man is full of figures which tend rigid logic. With good communication skills, women are the proper representatives to maintain the company image.

2. Lawyer The ability to speak it was already an excess of women. Shrewdness of stringing words will eventually be very supportive and can convince and capture the attention of judges, In addition, the ability to negotiate a better potential for a woman to become an excellent lawyer.

3. Consultant A consultant is expected to be a problem-solver for his clients. Women have the advantage of the ability of probe description (in this case, information about clients' needs and desires), and attention to detail.

4. Pediatrician Instinctively, women can more easily reach out to the children patients, Moreover, if the doctor already has children. This situation makes the woman who became a pediatrician will be able to better understand the condition of patients and parents in confusion when his son was sick.

5. Psychologist A good psychologist is a good listener. And basically women really like to talk from heart to heart. You could say, almost all women talent become a psychologist. This is because the frequency intensity vent session with friends in which they live in everyday life.

6. Financial planner Women are so used to personal financial planning, no doubt she will be a good partner for those who want to plan financially.

7. Designers Design is an art that is feminine, because it prioritizes the tastes and flavors. This is not a difficult problem for women in his life because he already has a variety of duties related to art, ranging from choosing a partner and children, to organize the house.

8. Marketing Create women, expand networking is part of his life. Try it count, how many times a month you have an appointment to meet with old friends? Not to mention the event that more than one social gathering per month. From there, develop networking and business work more smoothly.

9. General manager He must deal with all matters relating to the progress of the company. It also means that those who occupy this position must have high multitasking capabilities. In fact, women are 'experts' multitasking.

10. CEO Women can also become CEO! All criteria must be owned by the carrier a super important position that can be fulfilled by the Eve. Women instinctively do have a better ability to become leaders. In addition, he is also famous for the great affairs of forming a team and control it. He also can always make the right decisions.

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