Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Learning from the Senior

Become a new person in the office, do not make you feel small. Instead, you must open yourself to learn as much from a more senior colleague. Open yourself wide to all kinds of people. Do not just stick to your field only. You may talk to one person about salary information, another person for advice on interpersonal, and still others for their feedback about the job.

Difficult to start? First, practice the subtle approach, For example, by inviting a senior colleague for a chat after working hours or in between breaks. When you approach someone who is busy trying, do not insist. Do not be too quick to feel offended if he does not respond to you after two or three tries. If indeed he was too difficult to work, please try to find someone else that same ability.

When you've managed to make appointments, take advantage of their best. Approach him with questions on target, such as, "I'm really impressed with how you handle your clients call yesterday. Can I see you this week to give some feedback about it?"

Come to the preparation. When meeting a mentor, have a list of questions and objectives. Do not just throw your questions and complete. Make the meeting into a flowing dialogue. In order not to seem like a formal lecture, keep the subject centered not only on you. Ask about his experiences in the field why he was interested in the industry, and what their contribution to changes in the industry.

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