Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Managing Payroll

Novice workers will generally find it difficult to manage the payroll first. The first time you get the money himself, wanting to be spent to purchase goods not be bought as a 'hold up' parents. But be careful, if not carefully manage the revenue, might no longer any money left in savings accounts at the time of accountability months. In order for it not to happen, here are some tips:

1. Make priority scale
Do not get stuck in the over-consumptive lifestyle. You need to create a scale of priorities between the need for separate primary and secondary needs. Limit yourself to buy goods that are needed, do not be tempted just because of the prestige or the hungry eye.

The cost of transportation, housing and meals, including a primary need, while fees for recreational activities such as movies, hanging out in cafes, or to purchase fashion items, can be categorized as secondary needs.

2. Arrange the budget plan
Upon receiving the salary, create a budget plan by creating the post of income and expense items each month. Compare the budget of every post you've made with the realization, then do the analysis. Learn to balance revenue with expenditure, lest you trigger overdrawn before the end of the month because it is too easy to spend money.

3. Save some money
One thing is very important for you to do is save some money in savings accounts. Set aside a portion of salary received by each month in preparation for the future. These savings can then be used to purchase goods or to finance the dream a dream vacation, but remember, do not spend all your accounts!

4. Stay away from credit card debt and Avoid credit card debt and as much as possible
If you had to have a credit card just in case if necessary, limit the amount and usage.

5. Keep commitments
Keep commitments to the scale of priorities and budget plans that you set from the start, never tempted to break them.

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