Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Why Beautiful Women More Successful?

This is the unwritten rule; faced women look beautiful and attractive tend to be more successful than those with standard-looking, with equivalent performance. This is evidenced in a study by Daniel Hamermesh and Jeff Biddle published in the Journal of Labor Economics.

Attractive-looking women earn higher salaries, are also easier to get a promotion. At first glance, 'regulation' is seen to be discriminatory. Did not work should be judged on merit, rather than physical appearance?

Indeed, not everyone agrees with those rules. Attractive appearance means nothing if not balanced with a good performance. In other words, despite the beautiful appearance can bring someone to the many door of opportunity, but will not be able to penetrate the door without adequate capital achievements.

Someone can look very stunning, but within five minutes of the first impression can be ruined if he acted unprofessionally, although the appearance was the first thing seen from someone, but appearances are not always able to win the competence, interpersonal skills, and other factors. Appearances are not going to help you be successful in other areas of life.

Nevertheless, regardless of anything, you really need to pay attention to outward appearance. Attractive appearance will improve confidence. For that, make sure your posture is perfect; keep your back straight, lift your head, and make eye contact with the speaker.

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