Kamis, 04 Februari 2010

Looking at the Employment Contract

Employment contract is the general standard set forth in the Employment Act. Employment contract can be said as a written agreement between the company and its employees. This formal agreement is evidence of cooperation ties between the two sides, which contains the obligations and rights of each party.

Once the importance of the contents of the letter of employment contract, then make sure you read very carefully and thoroughly every sentence contained in the letter of the contract before you sign. Opportunity to correct the contents of the letter will be lost when you've scrawled signature on it. Here are some basic things that must be stated in the employment contract:

1. Appointment
In a letter written employment contract should clearly position you will occupy. Also note the job description so you know the boundaries of your job will be handled and also avoid the disappointment and regret because they felt the workload was too heavy.

2. Salary Information
Ensure a nominal salary to be received clearly stated in the letter of the employment agreement, so you avoid the problem of incompatibility between the total amounts of contract with reality. Notice also details on how to calculate back pay, salary payment, and also regarding salary increases.

3. Placement of the work schedule and location
Work schedule shall include hours worked, overtime, rest periods and holidays. This information is very important so you can calculate the amount of time and transportation costs will be incurred.

4. Termination
This section discusses the various conditions that can cause an employee has terminated or fired. Do not get just because of the small negligence, your position in the company threatened. Please observe all rules and regulations established carefully.

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