Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

10 Success Strategies Entrepreneurship

Want to be self-sufficient and start your own business? It must be remembered that starting your own business takes hard work and will probably take a long time until finally there is revenue.

Need an apt strategy for your entrepreneurial efforts are successful, as well as minimize failures. Here are strategies that are collected by Renee Martin, author of "The Risk takers: 16 Women and Men Share Their Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success" of the entrepreneurs are successful entrepreneurs.

1. Finding an untapped niche market
Identify a specific market segment (niche market) are the main needs are not met by competitors. Build a specialization that you know are the hallmarks of your company. Remember, that even large and international companies could not satisfy everyone, many specialty markets which often was not flown because it was considered too small.

2. Sensitive to dare to start the latest trend
Find the latest needs and desires of consumers who grew from a change in trend in terms of cultural, economic, technological signal into a new market opportunity, Act quickly do not wait too long.

3. Do it!
Stop making excuses, when most "perfect" to launch a business can never be predicted accurately and surely. Do not let the prospect of competitors stealing the actual start of business can you start first. Start moving. Create a short goals and deadlines that bring you closer to opening a new business area.

4. Avoid words that discourage
Ignore people who say "That's not going to work" or "It will not be successful if you do it that way." Occasionally, away from the notion that lowering morale and standard rules can help you to succeed. Watch and learn how successful entrepreneurs in their field with a critical view. Learn how they worked and the program they are doing. Ask the questions "what if" in your mind.

5. Explore competitor weaknesses
Take a critical view of your competition from the consumer perspective. Listen carefully to the needs and complaints from prospective customers when doing phone sales. This will help identify deficiencies and weaknesses of competitors. Find ways to cover the shortage of services and products you own, then repair it.

6. Fill vacancies
Focus your gaze on the area covered by the competitors who forget you. Learn how to anticipate new areas that you can fill with the service or can position your business faster than your competitors.

7. Fame with minimal funding
Think of ways how to be better known by the fund minimum. Do not get too close them-selves, be creative, ventured to the more well known to many people (but for good reason). Exchange ideas with the people closest to you.

8. Believing in the ability of self
Wake up and learn to use the power of your intuition. Listen to your heart. There will be times when you must choose to play it safe or playing desperate to face business challenges. The people around you also provide a variety of inputs, so that you can trust is yourself and your heart.

9. Do not let adversity or failure to defeat you
Do not let the restrictions created by others or circumstances that make you weak pinning, Many entrepreneurs who closed their businesses because they do not believe in yourself. As an entrepreneur, you will face during times of stress that will test your belief. Remember, that means to expel feeling restless it is the persistence and resilience. Believe in your business concept and committed ourselves to see this business successful.

10. Do not stop innovating
In continuous mode, look for new ways to introduce new products and services to consumers and new market you have subscribed you meet. Complacency is something that can harm your company. Customize your business with market trends.

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