Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Take advantage of the Effective Leisure

Leisure time in the office break time, or remaining a little time before the hour arrived home, and sometimes tempts us to do things personally untouched when the job is being stacked. Take advantage of this pause, to relax the mind, as well as prepare for the next challenge.

One thing you need to remember, even if you have spare time after all the work is completed, does not mean you can do whatever you want. Remember, you are still bound to working hours. So, do not inadvertently do things that will ultimately reduce the quality of you as an employee. To be more effective spare time, do the following things:

1. Tidy up the documents
Save all documents based on category. That way, during rush hour, you will more easily obtain the necessary documents. Make your free time as an investment to ease your next job.

2. Do relaxation
You can use it for a little rest time to stretch the body, relax the muscles of the neck, hands, or body. Fit body, making stamina and performance increase.

3. Consultation
After a long work, may you find a problem and needed to discuss the matter with his superiors, you can use the free time to solve the problem.

4. Take advantage of internet
Communicate with friends or colleagues via chat facility can indeed be an alternative to fill your spare time. But you need to be careful, do not let these activities interfere with your main job.

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