Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Know the Gap to avoid Termination

Being a bad sign to you, if you suddenly summoned into the boss's office, It's not about a raise or promotion that you get but the unilateral termination of the company. You are shocked, shocked, disappointed, angry, rejected or cry? It is natural course.

Termination of Employment doubt will always overshadow any worker in a company. Various reasons were trying to be accepted that the workers, ranging from global crisis conditions, the company insolvent, or the company's business declined drastically to require that companies conduct employee downsizing.

But this nightmare will not come true, if you already know the loophole to avoid layoffs, even though you are not already in the safe zone or have been appointed as permanent employees (permanent employees).

You need to know first what type of employees and deserve to be reference or targeted for the layoffs. Employees who serve at least contribute to the company and did not show a good performance is the right target, though he has faithfully worked dozens of years (loyalty) in the company, not a hindrance. High loyalty are not accompanied with good work performance, and then eat just salary blind, totally worthless.

If you already know who the target accurately, quickly secure your position. Indicate your best performance, give more contribution to the incestuous spawn suggestions and creative ideas for the company. Capabilities and potentials you seen this course will be rewarded with returns that are worth it.

Think and act productively. Do not waste your valuable time for things that are totally useless. Remember, your boss is always alert to his men who are lazy, which is just like hanging out in the canteen in work hours or relax in the chair.

Increase hold science and potential. True, a hadith of the prophet, "to learn of China", as far as anything you've walked pioneering career, never lazy to keep learning, to deepen all the knowledge and expertise. Absorbing knowledge from successful people who you Model, also read many books, because books are the window to the world.

Good employees are never selfish. That is, care for the environment around you. Remember, you do not work alone but become part of a work team. Please help colleagues who need your suggestions or ideas. Share knowledge in order to obtain mutual benefit, other than for the benefit and progress of the company, it would be fruitful rewards for you later.

Avoid things that endanger themselves. If you're already in a safe a comfortable position, do not ever try to do something that would be fatal to your career. For instance, did not complete the work according to predetermined deadlines, lying, untrustworthy and even violating company rules. Stay on the right track, then your life will be calmer.

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