Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Beware Senior New Office

Entering a new work situation, not infrequently raises mixed feelings. There is a feeling happy, excited, and terrified. It's only natural.

As 'new citizens', there are many questions that come up to you, regarding the question "Can I adapt the new environment?" or "whether they can accept my existence?"

Remain calm, however, they are your co-workers. Even so, remain vigilant, given there are from some of those who may not be pleased with your presence. To overcome uncomfortable, here's my advice to you:

1. Relax
Rules of the game as 'new citizens' are obliged to introduce yourself to other employees. That's when you'll see the response of your friends. If you are treated less pleasant than their peers or the 'senior', just relax. No need to take heart. Could be they're testing how strong your mental pressures facing them. Willy-nilly, like do not like, you and they will work together in team work, Enjoy all the processes running, I'm sure you'll be able to break their hearts.

2. Calm and some focus
Good for you if you have a blase attitude, despite the 'senior' in your office to be less pleasing to you. But this would be a problem if you enter in the category of very sensitive. It could be 'pressure' from the 'senior' make you less comfortable and your spirit is deadly, even severe down and make you feel inferior to join them.

You need to be a bit quiet so they can stay focused on your obligations as an employee. This is necessary so that you can complete tasks and deadlines in accordance with a desk job or position you occupy.

3. Picky friend
On the first day you work, you probably do not get no friends, except if you're really lazy socializing. But you must remain vigilant and carefully mix with colleagues at the office.

No doubt, the smell of competition in the area office would have smelled. If you're not sensitive, this could be a big problem. Your colleagues who know your strengths will be trying to get as much information from you. Make sure it does not happen. Be careful. Do not be too spread personal data or show off your skills in front of them, because maybe some of your colleagues treat you as a rival to be overthrown.

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