Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities at Work

In the world of work which the majority are still male dominated, things you must do as women is to know your rights properly, in order to walk a healthy competition. Do not until you lose just because you're a woman.

If so far you feel any discrimination rights that should deserve obtained, the following steps you can take:

1. Review again
If you feel treated unfairly, try to see what happened from an objective stand-point, do not directly carried away with emotion. Be strong yourself first, then find out if there are things you can change to create a better working environment. After that, begin your rights record anywhere that would prop up your mind, about pay, promotion or salary inequities between male employees and women.

2. Request for peer support
Not provoke. You just gather the friends who "same boat". That way you and they not only could exchange ideas, but also discuss the various solutions that wisely and remain professional.

3. Create a list of "witnesses"
In order for you stronger demands for support from the "outside", in a sense, people who truly objective and not have any interest with you and your company.

4. Display data
When you've made a fair assessment of a situation, it is time to express it. Go to the management or HR to provide documentation of the incident, your case and the friends who suffered similar injustice.

5. Stay calm
Submitted the complaint, is your right. Still, you should still pay attention to rules and procedures applicable in the company.

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