Senin, 15 Maret 2010

How to Deliver the Right Idea Creative when Meeting

There are many new ideas and across traffic comes to you. Unfortunately it if the idea could not be delivered and when it may have creative ideas that will give a lot of changes for the company later.

Here are some tips submitted by Anny Nursani brilliant idea of Iradat Consultant:

1. Describe the benefits
A fascinating presentation will not be enough without an understanding of the audience. You have to know what you should do and how they made sure to you. And a profit (ice breaking) of course will make them interested. For example, if you have an idea to increase the company turnover in front of the marketer, you can say "If this system is implemented in our company, you will get the benefit of A, B, and C"

2. Mature material
Know your audience characters. There is a happy criticized, cynically inclined, there also seems relaxed. You should also know their expectations towards the idea that you convey.

Preparing presentation materials should be prepared far in advance. Dig a lot of information that supports your ideas, whether through books or the Internet. Prepare also the opening sentences, subject matter and its cover.

Before the presentation begins, ask for feedback from your peers and find out what's really cool people from your ideas. This will make you much more prepared.

3. Impressive Beginning and End
Two important points in selling your ideas is the first impression in 30 seconds and 15 seconds last, why? it because people will make the decision to continue listening or sodium absorption ratio at 30 seconds first.

You do not need to grab audience attention through jokes crisp, so slipped a little humor, provided in accordance with the context of speech and the right target. At the end of the impression, the audience needed something memorable. If you can, associate with the opening sentence. For example, if you open a conversation with a story, then the complete story at the closing session. Likewise when you open with the translation of statistical data or wise words, repeat these words on the cover.

4. Succinct
When presenting in front of the boss to avoid long sentences and long-winded, it sounds so boring. They were busy and did not have much time studying the topic you have to say. Avoid also the use of difficult words. The less familiar foreign terms is not necessarily going to make your presentation looks great, really. Just use a simple sentence that is easy to understand others and also include concrete examples of it.

5. Appear Fit
We made a presentation, show the upright posture, face full of smiles. Watch your vocal intonation and articulation. Do not speak too fast, especially up panting like a winded. Speak with a calm and clear voice.

Make eye-contact with the audience. Point your eyes on the audience one by one. Notice also the gesture of your body, avoid put their hands in their pockets, holding on to the corner table, play the hair or the hands are too expressive.
Wear accessories that are not excessive, and avoid too bright colored clothes. You must be very uncomfortable if people actually pay attention to your looks that are too excessive.

6. It's show time!
Presentations will be interesting when using visual aids, such statistics or graphs. Your ideas will be more easily understood by the audience accompanied by accurate statistical data. In order for your presentation a successful and interesting, do not forget also mastered presentation software.

Generally software is Microsoft Power Point presentation. Program is flexible because the presentation can be played with animation, sound or video. Please be creating and design with an interesting slide presentation. In order to view your presentation more leverage, combine well with Macromedia Flash software.

7. Prepare answers
Your presentation has been done with the current, time and continued on debriefing sessions. You will be required to carefully listen to the questions that seem particularly offensive. Prepare answers to the elegant and diplomatically, so that you can build a good image during the presentation does not fade.

Answer the question to which you are impressed with the cornering poise. Provide a strong argument and appropriate. Through your eyes, show your answer to all the audience in attendance.

8. Keep practicing
There are many ways of learning so that your presentation goes smoothly. Ask people who have been adept at presentations, also learned through video or you can try it in front of the mirror, your family and friends.

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