Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Currently stalled career

Do not keep silence when you feel your professional career path in place.

You need to alert several career stagnation following symptoms:

1. You feel capable of doing something more, reach for something more, and live better, but you just do not know how to get there.

2. You dream of building an entrepreneurial or create opportunities for more meaningful work for yourself.

3. You do not have a backup plan if something happens to the current position.

4. Personal values you do not find common ground with current professional activities.

5. Being Super sensitivity against criticism superiors or colleagues, not as usual.

6. You have successfully reached the highest levels of performance and salary.

7. You have not built an active networking.

8. You several times failed to get promotion.

9. Company work experience changes, so you feel no longer fit to be there and are outside the circle.

10. Work is now not felt challenged so that you become less eager to work.

If some of the above symptoms you've encountered, immediately do the anticipation:

1. Dig up the cause of your dissatisfaction to the roots. Discover the culprit who made career becomes stagnant, whether because of work activities, work environment, work with the discrepancy between personal goals, or conflict with someone?

2. Understand the values embedded within, for example by evaluating the things what was the motivation in your professional life as well as personal. Make sure that the various interests are not mutually tangent, because it can make you feel unhappy and stuck in a routine.

3. Discover the mediator as a bridge to connect you with someone who has high authority in the company, to help find potential career path for this is probably still hidden.

4. Prepare yourself locked out of your shell and start building a network.

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