Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Internal Crisis

After years of trying hard to build a career, should have obtained satisfaction. But the opposite happened; tired, defeated, and though losing identity because it was too absorbed in work. Ever feel like that? Well, you're not alone.

Such feelings arise when you're trying too hard, ignoring the physical and psychological conditions. This is a saturation point, but should not be discouraged, because when you have successfully passed this point, many other opportunities will open.
Previously, recognize the first few issues that trigger an internal crisis, and was soon overcome in order to continue and result in not getting worse.

1. Health Issues
Stress, fatigue, will trigger a variety of health problems. From now on, pay attention to your physical condition, and run a healthy lifestyle.

2. Began to lose 'voice'
As already saturated, you no longer have voiced a desire to participate, discuss, and express your ideas. Never fear of being rejected, criticized, or ridiculed for all your thoughts. Convey only. That way, you will still be 'alive' and engage in field work which you lead.

3. Underestimated
Always regarded as the 'underdog', will also make you tired and tend to prefer quiet. When this happens, strengthen your heart, and say to yourself, "I can rely!".

4. Stuck financial problems
No matter how money you can, but if it has managed well, will flow through it alone. From now on, set your financial flow, determine the scale of priorities: which needs, in which the desire.

5. Failed to balance career and family
When you feel tired, do not force myself to do everything myself, Ask other family members, or anyone else to help you.

Kamis, 15 April 2010

Forerunner 10 Job Interview You Do not Walk Fine

Interview process is a process full of uncertainty for people looking for work, and power in the hands of the interviewer. Sometimes you do not know when the interview will go well. At other times, you're so nervous you are even hard to see that companies are actually not suitable for you. Please check the 10 warning signs you should look at the job interview:

1. You dominate conversations
People seeking employment should not dominate the conversation more than 40 percent. Sometimes, being too eager to show that they are the best candidates for the job, they often dominate the conversation with the statement that incessantly. If you continue to speak, when the interview might run out before all the questions asked.

2. View of the interviewer lead to hours, not to you
Currently undergoing an interview, be an active observer. Consider your job interviewer's body language. If his views easily distracted passers-by, or not focusing on you, this could be a sign that the interviewer does not want to continue this interview to the next stage. If this happens, try to ask the interviewer whether the answers you provided has answered the question that he uttered. Or ask also whether you can offer any other information about yourself as required.

3. The interviewer to answer the phone in the middle of a job interview
A job interviewer should treat you as he would be treated. When she picked up her cell phone in the middle of a job interview without telling why it is important to you, then he could be difficult to appreciate others. Ask yourself, can work with people who can’t give full attention for a short time, or with people who do not have the decency to communicate.

4. Job interview goes something like testing the strength
Consider whether your job interview goes something like testing the strength? How long have you been in the interview room? For hours without Asked whether they want to use the toilet or a glass of water? Well, that question again to your-self, if I could stand working in this company, even for a job interview alone is no fun like that.

5. Nobody wants to work here
A question often asked by people forget is interviewed, the reason why the job was suddenly available. Or, in order to impress as you focus on the future of the company, ask where the employees who previously worked in the position you seek. If the person who interviewed you complain that people who had occupied the position you're going to work only briefly, should question why so fast exchange of personnel there.

6. You kind of fill in the questionnaire, no interviews
When a job interview when the interviewer asked only basic questions, such as a questionnaire, you should start giving something that could make them more interested and remember you. Try to give answers as he explained the reasons for these answers.

7. Not friendly with other parts
Starting a job interview you set foot in the location of the job interview, so do not save your best behavior, only to people interviewed. You should now be polite and friendly to everyone, including the person who answered the door, as well as people who greet you at the reception desk.

8. You spend 10 minutes complaining about your last boss.
Anything that ever happen never spoken ill of the words of former co-worker or your former employer, even when the interviewer tried to get that information, You should take the safest measures. Because you never know who knows someone who knows a lot of people interviewing you.

9. His company was experiencing financial problems
If you hear a rumor news that the company you're going to have problems with finances, whether it's because the condition of the company or because of something else, you should reconsider your choice.

10. Employment interviewer break a promise
There are some interviewers will ask you to do something, but instead did the opposite. For example, you are given a timetable in the interview, then again in weeks not been heard from, then you shall come to wonder, and must strive to return known by him.

Rabu, 14 April 2010

The Results Of Job Interview

No need to wait long to find you a job interview or fail. You can judge for several seconds after the interview. Here are some signs that the interview managed or should be forgotten.

1. Good sign:
a. Active ask your interviewer, this shows he is very interested in you and want to know more about you.
b. The interview lasted a long time, more than 30 minutes.
c. The atmosphere of the interview is very liquid. The interviewer seemed very relaxed. Questions not only about work, but also a hobby and so forth. This indicates there is chemistry between you and the interviewer.
d. The interviewer immediately asked your readiness to join them.

2. Bad marks:
a. The interview lasted only a few minutes. This shows you are not what they are looking.
b. An interviewer's body language showed lackluster attitude, full of doubt, which is shown by the movements of scratching his nose, his eyes were not staring at you, and so forth.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

Financial discuss with Couples

Financial problems can begin even before the pledge as lively pin come to unite you and the him, Cost wedding can be like a small hole between you and he can only widen as you and he had a relationship.

Financial experts agree that financial issues couples should be discussed seriously and when they get the same words and vision, is equally committed to each other to run it.

Here are suggestions that can be done by couples who have financial problems between them:

1. Lower the pride and emotion. Be honest with your partner about the situation and financial condition to you. If something bad happens, and you or he's lost revenues or savings, then continue the same lifestyle before the event is something that is not realistic. Therefore, it is important to know the condition of each financial partner.

2. Do not try to solve problems in the midst of a fierce fight. Set aside a convenient time and no risk to you and your partner together in order to open the hearts and minds discuss this issue.

3. Learn your partner's financial types. Is he the type or types of shoppers savers. When each had known this, it will be easier to manage finances and learn each other their respective tendencies.

4. Do not hide income or any debt. Remove all financial documents, including credit reports, pending payment, insurance policies, debt, investment documents to the table as well.

5. We want to ask or say something, try not painful in the sentence. Do not accuse and do not blame.

6. If necessary, create one joint account for shared purposes, the purposes of family and home.

7. Decide who is responsible to pay monthly bills.

8. We all have hobbies and preferences are no doubt, need money. It is important to you and the individual he has the money to do things he likes, provided useful. Decide also whether the use of such an allowance should be reported to a partner or not.

9. Talk about short-term financial goals and long term. Is a good thing to have individual goals, but you also need a family financial goals as well, you know.

10. Do not forget to talk about their own parents pay as they enter the age he continued, and financial planning for their financial needs, if required.

Senin, 12 April 2010

Choosing Life Insurance Sharia More Profitable?

Financial transactions according to Islamic principles to bring a sense of security for some people, this gap which then spawned many Islamic products, including life insurance, not just safe, Islamic insurance also has other more value.

Participants will get sharia insurance surplus at the end of the year can be agreed will be distributed in cash or into the next premium.

Losses were shared equally among participants. Though in its development, the company provides interest-free loans to cover losses while premiums collected again until later.

In 1 - 2 years, the life insurance sector grew rapidly, Insurance companies that provide these products as well seriously growing. However it should be noted feature of Islamic insurance products. The main character is located on the legalization of the policy.

Islamic life insurance do not transfer risk to insurance companies. Risk borne by the participants, In this case the insurance company managing it and not take risks. While in conventional insurance, the participants transferred to the insurance company. According to Islamic principles, the system is not justified.

If the development is not a lot of claims, the risk is collect the insurance company will be benefited. Meanwhile, if the poor performance, companies raise capital to pay claims, it is explained that there are about opposite conventional insurance principles of sharia.

Minggu, 11 April 2010

Mark up Resume Doing, What risk?

At the time of competition in the world of work today increasingly stringent, often we meet people who mark up the list of his memoirs.

Whether it's in terms of mentioning his skill, education, tenure, or the most common is his salary. This was done to make them-selves more attractive in the eyes of prospective employers.

Sell yourself, or do marketing for yourself, is a must. However promote yourself does not mean you should commit fraud in a resume, or saying something that does not match reality when the interview. When you do this, you actually increase the risk of your fate will be next.

"Checking the background of a person very easy to do now, it's very open on the internet," said Dennis Nason, CEO of recruitment firm of Nason & Nason. Moreover, many employers and recruiters hire providers whose job it is to check a person background.

Raising the facts on a resume is also risky, especially in formal jobs being advertised in all types of media. By Brad Karsh, president and founder, every lie is revealed will damage the reputation of the job seeker in the world of work later, For example, a job seeker who was so clever to sell himself during the interview, after the accepted work will definitely be showing the actual ability. Be seen whether he's just smart talk, or actually working.

Tell me the Truth
According to, some lies that are often shown in a resume, among others: education, employment dates, title, and technical capabilities, Cheating in mentioning these things which will cause problems, because the internet has made us more easily uncover a person claims about his education, for example.

Dennis Nason also said that recruitment firms like his are now not just a background check on job seekers through a list of references given, but also to locate and contact co-workers or colleagues via LinkedIn. You may already have an account here too, the social networking site specifically for the working world.

People think they can beautify the details about the company that has been sold, or bankrupt. But LinkedIn, Facebook, and our extensive network will perform quick steps to change back the background (job seekers) according to our will.

Even if employers do not lie hurried to find you, when you have worked, cheating will haunt you. You can directly threatened layoffs if it reveals facts that are not true, according to Nason. You can also get black list when you are working in companies which are interrelated. Two examples are the easiest in the bank, and the media. Some companies will also conduct an audit of its new employees. Or your background will be checked when you submit your campaign.

Jumat, 09 April 2010

What's Up When Being Right Position?

Promotion means the movement from one position to another position which has the status and higher responsibility.

Well, it's usually the move into higher positions will be accompanied with the increase in salaries / wages and other, although not always the case. What can you do to deal with it?

1. Negotiations with authorities
To negotiate on your promotion package, to know exactly with whom negotiations should be conducted, you may have the authority to negotiate salaries to a certain range. However, it may also doesn’t know have such authority, especially if the company's budget has been set in the regulations of the company by default.

For that, you can also consult the relevant authorities in the Human Resources department at company about the possibility of negotiating. If the company regulations regarding the promotion and benefits are so raw, usually employees asked to accept a package that had been determined. However, there is no harm in your proposed adjustments, with the understanding that the result does not come your way in the near term.

Companies usually have their own period in review the salary structure, allowances and adjustments to the facility, which is done every few years. You can also propose to six months in advance, with consideration supervisor will review your performance and job performance.

2. Before Conducting Negotiations
You also need to be sensitive to the situation at the company today. If the company is experiencing financial crises and in situations of downsizing, it would be wiser if there’s waited for a moment that desire. Postpone it until a more appropriate moment comes. Conversely, if you work in big companies that are currently being expansive and growing, you can start negotiating salary increases, facilities and benefits that are expected to be more free.

Actually, it all depends on the condition of the company. However, there are some aspects of negotiation that you can consider, among other basic salary, facilities / benefits, and compensation.

Basic salary in a company has been prepared based on hierarchy and levels of rank. In general, a job that requires more severe conditions arranged in a hierarchy of higher salaries and greater benefits. Employees who have a higher competency given class rank higher because it is considered capable of running the office or to perform the job with more severe conditions. Therefore, it should also be considered if the employee is to receive greater benefits in accordance responsibility.

3. Allowances and Facilities
Appropriate conditions of a company, you can also look at types of benefits and facilities that typically are offered, such as allowances or allowances structural position of functional position; transport allowance and meal allowance, housing allowance, child support (family), and vehicle or home loan.

Notice also that the compensation offered, among others, in the form of health insurance, life insurance, accident insurance, especially for employees who frequently travel or high-risk jobs. You also could consider other bids, such as facilities on leave, pension costs, profit sharing, stock options, training, and specific education.

If the packages offered do not meet your expectations, consider other factors, namely the extent to which you get the "comfort" in the company over the years, such as work atmosphere, career and reputation, and corporate culture.

Kamis, 08 April 2010

Select Insurance Savings Education or Education?

You and your wife are a young couple, only 1 million a month income, and just having a child are 1.5 - 2 years. Well, where should you choose, insurance or savings? If possible can only be saved, how much money should you set aside each month?

Actually, just the same, Insurance education or education savings to have the same characteristics, In addition to its investment decision can be customized with your child's school schedule, they both provide protection functions. That is, the availability of funding your children's education will remain secure despite the risk of death to happen to you.

In particular, education insurance is insurance that offers two usability (endowment) the function of protection and investment, so Protective functions will bear the risk of death over you, by promising a certain amount of money if you experience death. It's just a given sum assured is usually adjusted for the cost of your child's education and have been agreed in the policy.

As an investment, this insurance will manage and invest part of premium you pay. Instead of managing your money, the insurance company will provide a large number of funds have been agreed in the policy. When payment was already scheduled, it is time to match your child's school.

Meanwhile, education savings accounts are savings products from the bank. This product has characteristics similar to insurance education. With this type of savings account, you will save a certain amount of money regularly.

The amount of monthly saving were calculated from the education fund that will target you take, the future, and to ensure the availability of educational funds, the bank has worked with several insurance companies that will guarantee your deposit despite the risk of death.

Instead, the money you'll need to set aside a monthly savings associated with the size of your needs in the future. To fund your children's education, for example, you must first calculate the amount of funds you need, and time of use.

After that, calculate the amount of money should you tube. While for its reserve fund, you also have to prepare another savings account until the amount with multiples approximately between 5 to 15 times your salary.

Presumably, not ban them to save for a young couple on low incomes. However we recommend you do not need too much force my-self to have as soon as funds for education and fund reserves. Make your money-management perspective. As a result, set aside money by saving money can still be achieved without sacrificing other interests at this time.

Rabu, 07 April 2010

Protect Credit Card from Fraud

Carding or counterfeit credit card to be one part of crime motivated Internet economy, Technological sophistication and omissions giving users the carding gap, Carding just one practice underground economy, the mode of economic crimes committed by illegal attacker.

This attacker is not even the internet or IT expert, and could be a newbie who is practicing a free software module traded and user friendly. Carding is done by several modes, namely:

1. Breaking into the bank database. With specific technical expertise, attackers broke into the bank database. Bank customers' credit card numbers obtained from this method.

2. Skimming, put simply, skimming is the magnetic card data make copy illegally, by using a magnetic card reader device.

3. Merchant transaction. Attacker to read and could have been recording with the camera, three points behind on your credit card. This figure represents the code Verivication Card Value (CVV) of your credit card, a transaction will only be successful if the cashier enter this three digit number.

Credit card user carelessness allows an attacker in launching the action. Consider the following ways to protect credit card carding mode:

1. Recognize and be aware of carding mode
As described above, there are a number of carding mode. Credit card users need to be more vigilant when making transaction merchants. Make sure your credit card is not visible to others when going to swipe it. Attacker could exist around you, and work in teams. As one of the actors to draw your attention, the other players observe the CVV code on back of credit cards. It takes just few seconds to remember three numbers.

2. Cover with tape CVV code,
A simple way to do in CVV code is covered with tape. These help protect the credit card of target players carding.

3. Do not store passwords or account numbers in your phone
Data Information is the most valuable assets targeted by the perpetrator. By storing all important data on the phone, when phone is missing, this gap becomes illegal economic opportunities for the attacker.

Selasa, 06 April 2010

Attention to detail and attitude of Professionalism

A professional attitude is not only seen from the styles of dress and the words said that neatly arranged. Such little things ringtone phone, the sound of a voice mail, email address, also plays a role in the formation of your professional image.

If you work in a creative field, such email address may still be acceptable, though impressed too childish. More to be safe, you should create a special email account for your job. Normally, use the full name.

Professional image formation does not stop until the email address. Such social networking sites facebook and friendster can also be the barometer. In fact, this friendship sites have become a source for finding out about someone's personality by their prospective employers. According to a survey mentioned, approximately 20% of potential employers take advantage of the friendship site for finding out more information about prospective employees.

It is a major concern "investigation" through the social networking site is the comments from the friends, notes or comments that you post, the photos are shown, also the way you interact with your friends on FB and FS.

Even the smallest details that you post on the site could affect the friendship chance to get a dream job. Thus, online behavior must be adapted to your behavior in public places. Better to show the best out of yourself even if only in facebook or friendster profile.

Senin, 05 April 2010

Plus and Minus "Jumping Fleas" in a Career

Do you belong to the category "the fleas" in your career, alias like moving the workplace? Nothing wrong with it, take every opportunity in front of the eye for a better career advancement.

This can often happen because right now, companies tended to give priority skilled professionals who have expertise, knowledge, behavior, work orientation, as well as good communication skills. Bosses are generally more appreciative of and protect employees who contribute significantly and consistently towards their company. Considerations in choosing a professional company are also not solely based on loyalty.

Still, you should consider several things before deciding to move to another company. According to experts, in order to work productively, every employee must be loyal to those companies. Each person can still perform at 100% to the company while developing their careers.

In addition, the company moved in too short a period is less wise. If you move to another company after less than one year, it would still be acceptable. But what if you do it once every three months? People will think there is something wrong inside you. Other companies will be questioning their commitment and hesitant to hire you as their employee.

Moreover, various job vacancies currently include various requirements, one of which is a long work experience and technical skills within oneself. Too often the company moved in a short time will reduce your chances of getting the job.

Minggu, 04 April 2010

Noting It Small

Are you aware, just little things can make it work productivity declined? Because no order keep records, for example, we will be confusion when the note is required, not only wasted time, mood can directly sluggish employment. There are some small things that you might miss, but it was important for a smooth job. Some of them:

1. Consider comfort
The chair is too hard, too short or too high can interfere with the work. Make sure to use a comfortable seat, especially when a lot of work while sitting.

2. Arrange desk
Use a computer keyboard with keys that good and the computer screen are parallel to the eye, well-functioning computer capable of influencing the smoothness and productivity. Comfort and good posture while working, will make the mind becomes more clear and flowing.

3. Take a break
Every half hour, got up from his desk chair and leave for three to five minutes. Use that time to loosen the body and refreshes the mind. After that, right back to the table with the concentration and fresher conditions.

4. Discipline
Make your own rules, how much time you need to complete the office work. Obey the rules you created it, so time to work so much more efficiently.

5. Create a list of jobs
In order to more efficiently and effectively, write a list of work to do every day. Then mark one by one so finished work.

6. Trim record
Discard the habit of writing important notes in any paper, prepared a special book or agenda which can be brought at any time, so if there are ideas across, can be recorded. Thus, there would be wasting any more time to search.

7. Trim tool
Make sure you have a special place to store office equipment, ranging from paper clips, pens, markers, and others. So that when needed, immediately knew where to look. According to the survey, 75% of workers spend 15 minutes every day just to find stuff that's hard to find.

Kamis, 01 April 2010

Competition between women's career

Women known as emotional beings, in the world of work, this emotional attitude can affect adversely. Dealing with male coworkers and compete behave in their own way. Meanwhile, women face, there are a few tricks of its own.

1. Do not make a triangle
When you have problems with colleagues or superiors, do not complain in the third person (creating triangle). Instead, tell the person concerned directly.

2. Immediately solve the problem
Costs are allowed to settle without a solution will only complicate the situation. Do not bother too concerned about small problems, because sometimes, women can be so sensitive just because a friend was invited to eat lunch together. No matter whoever is wrong, try to dilute the atmosphere.

3. Do not open too much personal information
During the school or college you are already familiar with the model of female friendship is "open". And information sharing can be a powerful way to enter into a social group. But do not be too eager to align them-selves in the workplace. Although you seem to have much in common with your female colleagues, remember that not all people you can trust.

4. Living without the need of close friends
Friends with coworkers are not prohibited. But you need to always be alert and self-limiting. Some signs of friendship you become a professional office: You spend more time socializing than working.

5. Build a network
Classmates would be more helpful than a boss. When you are in difficulty and need help somebody, who would you go? Certainly not someone who is more senior than you, Also, job referrals and you hear more from your peers. That is why it is important to close with a woman in horizontal, and start building your network now.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

10 Success Strategies Entrepreneurship

Want to be self-sufficient and start your own business? It must be remembered that starting your own business takes hard work and will probably take a long time until finally there is revenue.

Need an apt strategy for your entrepreneurial efforts are successful, as well as minimize failures. Here are strategies that are collected by Renee Martin, author of "The Risk takers: 16 Women and Men Share Their Strategies for Entrepreneurial Success" of the entrepreneurs are successful entrepreneurs.

1. Finding an untapped niche market
Identify a specific market segment (niche market) are the main needs are not met by competitors. Build a specialization that you know are the hallmarks of your company. Remember, that even large and international companies could not satisfy everyone, many specialty markets which often was not flown because it was considered too small.

2. Sensitive to dare to start the latest trend
Find the latest needs and desires of consumers who grew from a change in trend in terms of cultural, economic, technological signal into a new market opportunity, Act quickly do not wait too long.

3. Do it!
Stop making excuses, when most "perfect" to launch a business can never be predicted accurately and surely. Do not let the prospect of competitors stealing the actual start of business can you start first. Start moving. Create a short goals and deadlines that bring you closer to opening a new business area.

4. Avoid words that discourage
Ignore people who say "That's not going to work" or "It will not be successful if you do it that way." Occasionally, away from the notion that lowering morale and standard rules can help you to succeed. Watch and learn how successful entrepreneurs in their field with a critical view. Learn how they worked and the program they are doing. Ask the questions "what if" in your mind.

5. Explore competitor weaknesses
Take a critical view of your competition from the consumer perspective. Listen carefully to the needs and complaints from prospective customers when doing phone sales. This will help identify deficiencies and weaknesses of competitors. Find ways to cover the shortage of services and products you own, then repair it.

6. Fill vacancies
Focus your gaze on the area covered by the competitors who forget you. Learn how to anticipate new areas that you can fill with the service or can position your business faster than your competitors.

7. Fame with minimal funding
Think of ways how to be better known by the fund minimum. Do not get too close them-selves, be creative, ventured to the more well known to many people (but for good reason). Exchange ideas with the people closest to you.

8. Believing in the ability of self
Wake up and learn to use the power of your intuition. Listen to your heart. There will be times when you must choose to play it safe or playing desperate to face business challenges. The people around you also provide a variety of inputs, so that you can trust is yourself and your heart.

9. Do not let adversity or failure to defeat you
Do not let the restrictions created by others or circumstances that make you weak pinning, Many entrepreneurs who closed their businesses because they do not believe in yourself. As an entrepreneur, you will face during times of stress that will test your belief. Remember, that means to expel feeling restless it is the persistence and resilience. Believe in your business concept and committed ourselves to see this business successful.

10. Do not stop innovating
In continuous mode, look for new ways to introduce new products and services to consumers and new market you have subscribed you meet. Complacency is something that can harm your company. Customize your business with market trends.

Sabtu, 27 Maret 2010

Currently stalled career

Do not keep silence when you feel your professional career path in place.

You need to alert several career stagnation following symptoms:

1. You feel capable of doing something more, reach for something more, and live better, but you just do not know how to get there.

2. You dream of building an entrepreneurial or create opportunities for more meaningful work for yourself.

3. You do not have a backup plan if something happens to the current position.

4. Personal values you do not find common ground with current professional activities.

5. Being Super sensitivity against criticism superiors or colleagues, not as usual.

6. You have successfully reached the highest levels of performance and salary.

7. You have not built an active networking.

8. You several times failed to get promotion.

9. Company work experience changes, so you feel no longer fit to be there and are outside the circle.

10. Work is now not felt challenged so that you become less eager to work.

If some of the above symptoms you've encountered, immediately do the anticipation:

1. Dig up the cause of your dissatisfaction to the roots. Discover the culprit who made career becomes stagnant, whether because of work activities, work environment, work with the discrepancy between personal goals, or conflict with someone?

2. Understand the values embedded within, for example by evaluating the things what was the motivation in your professional life as well as personal. Make sure that the various interests are not mutually tangent, because it can make you feel unhappy and stuck in a routine.

3. Discover the mediator as a bridge to connect you with someone who has high authority in the company, to help find potential career path for this is probably still hidden.

4. Prepare yourself locked out of your shell and start building a network.

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

Discuss Problems with Boss and Get What You Want

Increase salary, promotion or have to work overtime on a holiday, all this is the reason the forefront and it's time for you to discuss this with your boss.

But still keep in mind if you really want to be your boss and want a career change in the workplace then this should be coupled with your good work. This of course will be considered your employer to give you what you want.

1. If there is enough time, set an appointment with your boss. Note the time is right, just not at the lunch hour at the office or on the day on weekends.

2. Prepare what things you're going to the boss before meeting with her began. Remember, never approach your boss with a problem only trailing behind you. Personal approach, with no intention looking face is the best solution.

3. Anticipating the worst. For example your boss does not respond your complaint and act cool or cold. Imagine that you fear it will happen and immediately remove from your mind, which is important you're doing the best.

4. When it comes to talking about your job promotion, you need to prepare the accurate data in the form of graphs or images as well as measures or reviews of work programs that you have achieved so far.

5. Stay calm. Do not feel 'hot' because your employer did not give responses that 'cool' your mood. Being calm will help you think better.

6. If you get a negative reaction from the boss, should not you resign. Fight for your rights and loyalty during this which has been shed for the advancement of the company. Remember, you deserve it if you've fought hard for it.

7. If the employer continues to resist what you want, ask him why he rejected the explanation. But do not ever feel you are not given the right to ask. Bosses may have other considerations to grant your wishes. This could also mean rejection time you instropection yourself, the better to take the initiative in the works.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Maximize Office E-mail

Having their own personal desk equipped with a set of computers with super fast internet facility is given the ease in completing the work of all affairs.

You can browse, send e-mail with colleagues to expand your network. When checking email, so be careful. I could have your time wasted for one day just because you're too busy to check the number of incoming email to your inbox. To trick it, consider the following ways:

1. Check e-mail twice a day
The amount of time wasted in the work of one of the causes because too often to check incoming e-mail. To be effective, check your email twice a day. Do when you're not too busy with work, eg in the morning hours (08:00) before starting work on the move and after work time completed at 6pm.

2. Wear two different accounts for personal e-mail and business
This is the right step to separate the office affairs and personal problems. Remember, you must be very disciplined with as much as possible to avoid the temptation to open your personal e-mail.

Divide your time, if in the office of the affairs of the most important thing is to work, was to do personal business at home. Such as you involved in a community or a mailing list, try to list them sent to your personal account because it can be opened in my spare time.

3. E-mail filtering is not important
Sometimes we encounter a lot of commercial email (junk email) inbox and the number of tens. This is of course very disturbing, because it is very important to use the programs that can automatically remove junk email. The goal that was not wasted your time.

4. Set address of incoming messages
Make the address book feature in your e-mail program to organize all important e-mails coming. Apart from not spending time, this feature will keep you out of small mistakes like typos address. Enter the messages in the folder to make it more neatly, so your inbox only contains the messages unread.

5. Do simply possible
If you must reply to an e-mail, make a reply brief as possible, such as with a yes or no answer (of course this if possible).

6. Avoid the temptation to chat
As best and as hard as possible to avoid the temptation to use the chat facility during your productive hours of walking, Chatting important not only will make you concentrate on the job become fragmented. Even if this is done at break time can sometimes make a forgotten time. Yet another thing if the chat had to be done on business.

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

New Career in the New Year

What's your New Year resolution? Anyone would want her life in the New Year will be undertaken with the atmosphere and also a new spirit. For those of you who were pioneering career, there's no harm in also to recognize the following tips:

1. Enter Your Destination
This will greatly help increase your chances of reaching his career. Watch what and who can make you win or lose. Decide what you want to do in previous years but has not been achieved, mark it in every three months. Check how far you have successfully completed the mission that has been passed by and check out what you need to stay on the right track.

2. Be careful
Prepare yourself both physically and mentally. We are top of the high productivity you need more energy and excellent body condition. Routine exercise and relieve stress can be done as a priority for you to 'have fun' while removing tired.

3. Your Valuables, Believe!
Ability to identify themselves and give the 'price tag' to him-self, Discover your strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to negotiate, such as for a raise or promotion.

4. Build Network
Continue to build your network, while digging the experience and leadership to do more work or major projects and meaningful. Become a kind of volunteer will also have a positive impact for your career.

5. Positive Thinking
In the past or the future will definitely be there colleagues who are not happy with you. They feel the most right and feel I have the ability to solve all problems. Do not act rash to deal with people like this, before they make you fall, paralyze his strength first. Surround yourself with positive people and spend your time doing more productive things, this as proof that they are wrong to judge you no good.

Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Let Extending Network!

There are many ways to achieve a better career. One of the most important thing is to expand the network (network). But sometimes you have to faced with communication problems and time is not effective.

You might be too busy with yourself, family and job so not had time to expand the network of friendship. Here are some ways you can do:

1. Set your goals
When you decide to move the workplace and change your career for the better, it is the perfect opportunity to expand your network. It's time for you to see, meet and absorb a lot of science in the new place.

2. You are unique!
Say to yourself as a mirror, that you are special. Explore your potential and talent that are still buried deep. Thoroughly proven correct way is to 'sell them-selves'. Armed with the confidence and the potential you have, I believe your network of friends and relations will be more and more.

3. Get compliments
Nothing to be ashamed to open the first conversation with new friends, be a good listener and do not hesitate to give genuine praise for his accomplishments friends. Show that your best friend and let them praise your mixer.

4. Confidently arose
Hairstyle, clothes and shoes you wear, jewelry and accessories attached to the supporting yourself is for you to perform 'all out'. Sprinkle in netting smiles and friends as much as possible.

Rabu, 17 Maret 2010

Surviving Life after Termination

Previously Cyber-News has discussed these tips to avoid layoffs. No doubt if we have to face the reality of the worst in your life are losing their jobs. Label unemployment should also get ready strapped, and many questions were accompanied, about can you pay bills, or where after this you will be working.

Do not trigger panic and despair. You should still have a spirit that does not mean a nightmare for your life ahead of him later. Many who have experienced layoffs, and things to do after that is the way to survive until the limit is not (can) be determined.

1. Immediately look for a job
Start from a variety of ways, subscribe to the newspaper, visit the job fair, college alma mater, as well as browsing the Internet or join mailing list job hunter, Trying to establish widest network connection.

2. Arrange financial plan
About the existing budget and that it would be depleting your face, because the fact is you do have to pay all the bills there, also bought household goods daily. Refresh household budgets, optimize your existing money to meet all your needs. Make also a list of all your expenses and income sources.

3. Keep while all loans
This includes credit card or mortgage loans. Use credit cards only for a very urgent matter purposes only, understand your repayment capacity is very small, and that means you should be able to avoid credit card whenever possible.

Close the few credit cards that you've got and leave a few. Select the smallest credit card interest. Close the other credit card bills and switch to the credit card you hold.

4. Selection of all the important needs
Do it where the need for screening is really important or only as a complement. This can reduce your monthly or daily spending. Close the membership and reduce unnecessary to eat outside. This is necessary so that you can control in facing financial life, especially when economic conditions are uncertain.

5. Take advantage of savings
Savings required as funds for urgent purposes. Use the time-one household economy was disrupted because of layoffs. In these circumstances, reserve your funds can be used to temporarily survive without a job.

6. Living part-time job
Psychic distress than you are and then wait for a job interview depression, so why not try to live the first part-time job. This part time job opportunities you can actually appointed as a permanent employee or at least it shows in other companies (when filing an application) that you are industrious and highly productive. Remember make yourself feel useful and productive even though you've just lost their jobs.

In essence, the key to face the harsh reality of losing their jobs is you need to think creatively and do not stop to try. Losing a job may be bad, but just take the positive side, it's time you start something new, whatever it is. Never stop and keep silence, contemplating the fate.

Just Surrender will not give a convoluted answer to your problems after the layoffs. Try to make your life even better although it is sometimes difficult. Construct a new plan and come closer to the people who always encourage and support your goals, whether it's a close family member, friend, motivator, coach or teacher. Maintain a positive attitude is also within you then you will successfully run on the route to success.

Senin, 15 Maret 2010

How to Deliver the Right Idea Creative when Meeting

There are many new ideas and across traffic comes to you. Unfortunately it if the idea could not be delivered and when it may have creative ideas that will give a lot of changes for the company later.

Here are some tips submitted by Anny Nursani brilliant idea of Iradat Consultant:

1. Describe the benefits
A fascinating presentation will not be enough without an understanding of the audience. You have to know what you should do and how they made sure to you. And a profit (ice breaking) of course will make them interested. For example, if you have an idea to increase the company turnover in front of the marketer, you can say "If this system is implemented in our company, you will get the benefit of A, B, and C"

2. Mature material
Know your audience characters. There is a happy criticized, cynically inclined, there also seems relaxed. You should also know their expectations towards the idea that you convey.

Preparing presentation materials should be prepared far in advance. Dig a lot of information that supports your ideas, whether through books or the Internet. Prepare also the opening sentences, subject matter and its cover.

Before the presentation begins, ask for feedback from your peers and find out what's really cool people from your ideas. This will make you much more prepared.

3. Impressive Beginning and End
Two important points in selling your ideas is the first impression in 30 seconds and 15 seconds last, why? it because people will make the decision to continue listening or sodium absorption ratio at 30 seconds first.

You do not need to grab audience attention through jokes crisp, so slipped a little humor, provided in accordance with the context of speech and the right target. At the end of the impression, the audience needed something memorable. If you can, associate with the opening sentence. For example, if you open a conversation with a story, then the complete story at the closing session. Likewise when you open with the translation of statistical data or wise words, repeat these words on the cover.

4. Succinct
When presenting in front of the boss to avoid long sentences and long-winded, it sounds so boring. They were busy and did not have much time studying the topic you have to say. Avoid also the use of difficult words. The less familiar foreign terms is not necessarily going to make your presentation looks great, really. Just use a simple sentence that is easy to understand others and also include concrete examples of it.

5. Appear Fit
We made a presentation, show the upright posture, face full of smiles. Watch your vocal intonation and articulation. Do not speak too fast, especially up panting like a winded. Speak with a calm and clear voice.

Make eye-contact with the audience. Point your eyes on the audience one by one. Notice also the gesture of your body, avoid put their hands in their pockets, holding on to the corner table, play the hair or the hands are too expressive.
Wear accessories that are not excessive, and avoid too bright colored clothes. You must be very uncomfortable if people actually pay attention to your looks that are too excessive.

6. It's show time!
Presentations will be interesting when using visual aids, such statistics or graphs. Your ideas will be more easily understood by the audience accompanied by accurate statistical data. In order for your presentation a successful and interesting, do not forget also mastered presentation software.

Generally software is Microsoft Power Point presentation. Program is flexible because the presentation can be played with animation, sound or video. Please be creating and design with an interesting slide presentation. In order to view your presentation more leverage, combine well with Macromedia Flash software.

7. Prepare answers
Your presentation has been done with the current, time and continued on debriefing sessions. You will be required to carefully listen to the questions that seem particularly offensive. Prepare answers to the elegant and diplomatically, so that you can build a good image during the presentation does not fade.

Answer the question to which you are impressed with the cornering poise. Provide a strong argument and appropriate. Through your eyes, show your answer to all the audience in attendance.

8. Keep practicing
There are many ways of learning so that your presentation goes smoothly. Ask people who have been adept at presentations, also learned through video or you can try it in front of the mirror, your family and friends.

Sabtu, 13 Maret 2010

Beware Senior New Office

Entering a new work situation, not infrequently raises mixed feelings. There is a feeling happy, excited, and terrified. It's only natural.

As 'new citizens', there are many questions that come up to you, regarding the question "Can I adapt the new environment?" or "whether they can accept my existence?"

Remain calm, however, they are your co-workers. Even so, remain vigilant, given there are from some of those who may not be pleased with your presence. To overcome uncomfortable, here's my advice to you:

1. Relax
Rules of the game as 'new citizens' are obliged to introduce yourself to other employees. That's when you'll see the response of your friends. If you are treated less pleasant than their peers or the 'senior', just relax. No need to take heart. Could be they're testing how strong your mental pressures facing them. Willy-nilly, like do not like, you and they will work together in team work, Enjoy all the processes running, I'm sure you'll be able to break their hearts.

2. Calm and some focus
Good for you if you have a blase attitude, despite the 'senior' in your office to be less pleasing to you. But this would be a problem if you enter in the category of very sensitive. It could be 'pressure' from the 'senior' make you less comfortable and your spirit is deadly, even severe down and make you feel inferior to join them.

You need to be a bit quiet so they can stay focused on your obligations as an employee. This is necessary so that you can complete tasks and deadlines in accordance with a desk job or position you occupy.

3. Picky friend
On the first day you work, you probably do not get no friends, except if you're really lazy socializing. But you must remain vigilant and carefully mix with colleagues at the office.

No doubt, the smell of competition in the area office would have smelled. If you're not sensitive, this could be a big problem. Your colleagues who know your strengths will be trying to get as much information from you. Make sure it does not happen. Be careful. Do not be too spread personal data or show off your skills in front of them, because maybe some of your colleagues treat you as a rival to be overthrown.

Kamis, 11 Maret 2010

Know the Gap to avoid Termination

Being a bad sign to you, if you suddenly summoned into the boss's office, It's not about a raise or promotion that you get but the unilateral termination of the company. You are shocked, shocked, disappointed, angry, rejected or cry? It is natural course.

Termination of Employment doubt will always overshadow any worker in a company. Various reasons were trying to be accepted that the workers, ranging from global crisis conditions, the company insolvent, or the company's business declined drastically to require that companies conduct employee downsizing.

But this nightmare will not come true, if you already know the loophole to avoid layoffs, even though you are not already in the safe zone or have been appointed as permanent employees (permanent employees).

You need to know first what type of employees and deserve to be reference or targeted for the layoffs. Employees who serve at least contribute to the company and did not show a good performance is the right target, though he has faithfully worked dozens of years (loyalty) in the company, not a hindrance. High loyalty are not accompanied with good work performance, and then eat just salary blind, totally worthless.

If you already know who the target accurately, quickly secure your position. Indicate your best performance, give more contribution to the incestuous spawn suggestions and creative ideas for the company. Capabilities and potentials you seen this course will be rewarded with returns that are worth it.

Think and act productively. Do not waste your valuable time for things that are totally useless. Remember, your boss is always alert to his men who are lazy, which is just like hanging out in the canteen in work hours or relax in the chair.

Increase hold science and potential. True, a hadith of the prophet, "to learn of China", as far as anything you've walked pioneering career, never lazy to keep learning, to deepen all the knowledge and expertise. Absorbing knowledge from successful people who you Model, also read many books, because books are the window to the world.

Good employees are never selfish. That is, care for the environment around you. Remember, you do not work alone but become part of a work team. Please help colleagues who need your suggestions or ideas. Share knowledge in order to obtain mutual benefit, other than for the benefit and progress of the company, it would be fruitful rewards for you later.

Avoid things that endanger themselves. If you're already in a safe a comfortable position, do not ever try to do something that would be fatal to your career. For instance, did not complete the work according to predetermined deadlines, lying, untrustworthy and even violating company rules. Stay on the right track, then your life will be calmer.

Selasa, 09 Maret 2010

Overcome Your Fear of Living careers

Often, we are too comfortable in the safe zone, not daring to move and take risks. In fact, if we want to open my eyes, there are many opportunities waiting.

Here are some "difficult situation" which is usually our own making, and ultimately even impede our steps, Faced with this, try looking at the problem from a new perspective.

1. "My career stuck"
Mention this, just as we are being anti on the choice. When we do not like none of the choices before us, we do not vote. And when we offered a good variety of choices, we are too afraid to vote. As a result, we become the prey of the situation of our own making. Take immediate action. Any action will be useless. The bottom line is moving. Believe in instinct, and we will be better prepared to negotiate with any that will come later.

2. "Get Up"
Chary said appeared because we are not prepared to face rejection. "Get Up" were used as shields to protect themselves from the pain the next rejection. But the result, when we let ourselves trapped by a sense of this deterrent, will be a lot of missed opportunities just because we are too curled up into a safe zone. To break the sense of "deterrence", ask yourself, "What I do not regret it when it has spent so many things just because they feel too scared?"

3. "Overwhelmed"
Work is piling up, it makes us tired. However, it can certainly be overcome by effective time of work, not by directly labeling himself "overwhelmed with work"

Sabtu, 06 Maret 2010

Take advantage of the Effective Leisure

Leisure time in the office break time, or remaining a little time before the hour arrived home, and sometimes tempts us to do things personally untouched when the job is being stacked. Take advantage of this pause, to relax the mind, as well as prepare for the next challenge.

One thing you need to remember, even if you have spare time after all the work is completed, does not mean you can do whatever you want. Remember, you are still bound to working hours. So, do not inadvertently do things that will ultimately reduce the quality of you as an employee. To be more effective spare time, do the following things:

1. Tidy up the documents
Save all documents based on category. That way, during rush hour, you will more easily obtain the necessary documents. Make your free time as an investment to ease your next job.

2. Do relaxation
You can use it for a little rest time to stretch the body, relax the muscles of the neck, hands, or body. Fit body, making stamina and performance increase.

3. Consultation
After a long work, may you find a problem and needed to discuss the matter with his superiors, you can use the free time to solve the problem.

4. Take advantage of internet
Communicate with friends or colleagues via chat facility can indeed be an alternative to fill your spare time. But you need to be careful, do not let these activities interfere with your main job.

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Understanding Rights and Responsibilities at Work

In the world of work which the majority are still male dominated, things you must do as women is to know your rights properly, in order to walk a healthy competition. Do not until you lose just because you're a woman.

If so far you feel any discrimination rights that should deserve obtained, the following steps you can take:

1. Review again
If you feel treated unfairly, try to see what happened from an objective stand-point, do not directly carried away with emotion. Be strong yourself first, then find out if there are things you can change to create a better working environment. After that, begin your rights record anywhere that would prop up your mind, about pay, promotion or salary inequities between male employees and women.

2. Request for peer support
Not provoke. You just gather the friends who "same boat". That way you and they not only could exchange ideas, but also discuss the various solutions that wisely and remain professional.

3. Create a list of "witnesses"
In order for you stronger demands for support from the "outside", in a sense, people who truly objective and not have any interest with you and your company.

4. Display data
When you've made a fair assessment of a situation, it is time to express it. Go to the management or HR to provide documentation of the incident, your case and the friends who suffered similar injustice.

5. Stay calm
Submitted the complaint, is your right. Still, you should still pay attention to rules and procedures applicable in the company.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

Learning from the Senior

Become a new person in the office, do not make you feel small. Instead, you must open yourself to learn as much from a more senior colleague. Open yourself wide to all kinds of people. Do not just stick to your field only. You may talk to one person about salary information, another person for advice on interpersonal, and still others for their feedback about the job.

Difficult to start? First, practice the subtle approach, For example, by inviting a senior colleague for a chat after working hours or in between breaks. When you approach someone who is busy trying, do not insist. Do not be too quick to feel offended if he does not respond to you after two or three tries. If indeed he was too difficult to work, please try to find someone else that same ability.

When you've managed to make appointments, take advantage of their best. Approach him with questions on target, such as, "I'm really impressed with how you handle your clients call yesterday. Can I see you this week to give some feedback about it?"

Come to the preparation. When meeting a mentor, have a list of questions and objectives. Do not just throw your questions and complete. Make the meeting into a flowing dialogue. In order not to seem like a formal lecture, keep the subject centered not only on you. Ask about his experiences in the field why he was interested in the industry, and what their contribution to changes in the industry.

Senin, 22 Februari 2010

Always say "I Love Saturday"

Starting on the move after a day relaxing weekend getaway at times heavy, do not let the Monday blues syndrome that go on, because it can interfere with work performance and deflate your spirits. In order to remain cheerful in the day Monday the heavy, try the following steps:

1. Wear the best clothes
Best suit to the office can help pump the mood so you feel more cheerful and confident. You will be shocked at how big the effect clothing for your feelings about yourself.

2. Up early
Many bad things happen when you woke up late, Tension level increases, no time for breakfast in their haste to leave, so do not feel comfortable with sharp eyes work friends. Therefore, make sure you get up early.

3. Pamper yourself
If you wake up early enough, you have plenty of time to pamper yourself with a sit back while enjoying a delicious breakfast. You can prepare the fried rice with a cup of coffee, tea, milk or simply piece of buttered bread with apply accompanied by a glass of cereal.

4. Anticipate busy
Most people are impatient waiting for the weekends so that blur darted straight hours in the day that ended Friday. In fact, it's better to sacrifice a little time to do more work on that day. Thus, your work on Monday will be much lighter.

5. Listen to music
Play one or a few songs to help deal with a bad day. Choose a song that has the energetic beats to create a more cheerful atmosphere.

6. Snacked on chocolate
The most delicious snacks are eaten as having a bad mood is chocolate. Chocolate gives the signal to the brain to release endorphin hormones which have a calming effect, to improve mood as well as relieve stress.

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2010

Peak Careers for Women

The woman, now increasingly have the opportunity to align with the man in the world of work. Currently, any man who achieved, women can also be reached, although the effort is often doubled.

In fact, in some areas of employment, career women can actually more advanced than women. With typical properties owned, women could be far left guy. What professions are they?

1. Public relations Female figure is more flexible when interacting with outsiders. A gender-related research confirms that women are creatures of communication, while a man is full of figures which tend rigid logic. With good communication skills, women are the proper representatives to maintain the company image.

2. Lawyer The ability to speak it was already an excess of women. Shrewdness of stringing words will eventually be very supportive and can convince and capture the attention of judges, In addition, the ability to negotiate a better potential for a woman to become an excellent lawyer.

3. Consultant A consultant is expected to be a problem-solver for his clients. Women have the advantage of the ability of probe description (in this case, information about clients' needs and desires), and attention to detail.

4. Pediatrician Instinctively, women can more easily reach out to the children patients, Moreover, if the doctor already has children. This situation makes the woman who became a pediatrician will be able to better understand the condition of patients and parents in confusion when his son was sick.

5. Psychologist A good psychologist is a good listener. And basically women really like to talk from heart to heart. You could say, almost all women talent become a psychologist. This is because the frequency intensity vent session with friends in which they live in everyday life.

6. Financial planner Women are so used to personal financial planning, no doubt she will be a good partner for those who want to plan financially.

7. Designers Design is an art that is feminine, because it prioritizes the tastes and flavors. This is not a difficult problem for women in his life because he already has a variety of duties related to art, ranging from choosing a partner and children, to organize the house.

8. Marketing Create women, expand networking is part of his life. Try it count, how many times a month you have an appointment to meet with old friends? Not to mention the event that more than one social gathering per month. From there, develop networking and business work more smoothly.

9. General manager He must deal with all matters relating to the progress of the company. It also means that those who occupy this position must have high multitasking capabilities. In fact, women are 'experts' multitasking.

10. CEO Women can also become CEO! All criteria must be owned by the carrier a super important position that can be fulfilled by the Eve. Women instinctively do have a better ability to become leaders. In addition, he is also famous for the great affairs of forming a team and control it. He also can always make the right decisions.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Being a Good Listener to Create Effective Communications

In general, people think, communication is only limited to talking and writing. This understanding is not wrong, but there are things that are not less important it is to be observed. Good communication is effective communication, not least in the world of work.

How to achieve effective communication with colleagues, for example Keep in mind, being a good listener is the key to be able to communicate effectively. Therefore, it is important for you to learn to be a good listener. Try to understand what the message meant, when you are involved in a conversation. Here are quick tips for you.

1. First, focus on the hearer. The seriousness of a conversation would look from your eyes focus. When speaking, look at your listener. Keep eye contact with the interlocutor. Avoid to gaze at other object is "less important".

2. Second, careful think before you answer the question from a colleague, be careful, do not be too enthusiastic to show ingenuity in the things that you do not understand in their entirety, nothing wrong with a pause, Warm up your mind to ripen fruit, just after a friend finished speaking.

3. Next, consider carefully whether the other person's words in harmony with the tone of his voice. Distinguish when your colleague says, "ok, I'll pay attention", with "ok, I'll pay attention!". Of course they are different is not it? look at a person's tone, will help you understand the mood. So you'll more easily capture the intent of the message.

Being a good listener is a skill and ability that is rare and difficult to own. Because not only limited to the willingness to listen, but also the ability to understand the intent of the message. Quoting the words of Dale Carnegie, "the man who became the speaker you a hundred times more interested in themselves, their wants and problems than their interest in you and your problems."